ffmpeg -i video.avi video.gif -hide_banner ffmpeg -i video_320x180.mp4 -vf scale=160:90 agif_160x90.gif -hide_banner ffmpeg -i video_320x180.mp4 -r 10 agif_r10_320x180.gif -hide_banner ffmpeg -i shuffle.mkv -ss 00:00:06 -filter:v "crop=240:400:235:30" cropped.mkv 240x400 Generate a palette: ffmpeg -y -ss 3.9 -t 3 -i cropped.mkv \ -vf fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen cropped.png Output the GIF using the palette: ffmpeg -i cropped.mkv -i cropped.png -filter_complex \ "fps=10,scale=240:400:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" output.gif ffmpeg -i mask.mp4 -i film5.mkv -filter_complex \ '[1:v]colorkey=0xFFFFFF:.3:2[ckout];[0:v][ckout]overlay[out]' -map '[out]' test.mkv ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -f gdigrab -framerate 25 -video_size 300x200 -i title="MyWindow" -filter_complex "[1]split[m][a]; [a]format=yuv444p,geq='if(gt(lum(X,Y),0),255,0)',hue=s=0[al]; [m][al]alphamerge[ovr]; [0][ovr]overlay=(main_w-overlay_w):main_h-overlay_h[v]" -map "[v]" -c:v libx264 -r 25 out.mp4 https://yalantis.com/blog/experiments-with-ffmpeg-filters-and-frei0r-plugin-effects/ -----------------sound ffmpeg -y -i $local_mp3 -loop 1 -i $local_image -filter_complex "[0:a]showwaves=s=1280x720:mode=line:colors=black,colorkey=0x000000:0.01:0.1,format=yuva420p[v];[1:v][v]overlay[outv]" -map "[outv]" -map 0:a -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v main -level 4.0 -acodec aac -shortest -movflags +faststart output.mp4 ffmpeg -i-i -filter_complex '[1:v]colorkey=0x : : [ckout];[0:v][ckout]overlay[out]' -map '[out]' where is the rgb color to match in hex (ex: 0x000000 for black), is a tolerance on the color-match (ex: 0.3), and (ex: 0.2) controls whether the opacity is on-off or how gradual it is. (See the documentation for more). Black Represents a black color (RGB = 0x000000). Public fieldStatic member Blue Represents a blue color (RGB = 0x0000FF). Public fieldStatic member Brown Represents a brown color (RGB = 0xA52A2A). Public fieldStatic member Cyan Represents a cyan color (RGB = 0x00FFFF). Public fieldStatic member DarkBlue Represents a dark blue color (RGB = 0x000080). Public fieldStatic member DarkCyan Represents a dark cyan color (RGB = 0x008080). Public fieldStatic member DarkGray Represents a dark gray color (RGB = 0x808080). Public fieldStatic member DarkGreen Represents a dark green color (RGB = 0x008000). Public fieldStatic member DarkMagenta Represents a dark magenta color (RGB = 0x800080). Public fieldStatic member DarkRed Represents a dark red color (RGB = 0x800000). Public fieldStatic member DarkYellow Represents a dark yellow color (RGB = 0x808000). Public fieldStatic member Empty Represents an empty color (RGB = 0x000000). Public fieldStatic member Gray Represents a gray color (RGB = 0x808080). Public fieldStatic member Green Represents a green color (RGB = 0x00FF00). Public fieldStatic member LightGray Represents a light gray color (RGB = 0xC0C0C0). Public fieldStatic member Magenta Represents a magenta color (RGB = 0xFF00FF). Public fieldStatic member Orange Represents an orange color (RGB = 0xFFA500). Public fieldStatic member Pink Represents a pink color (RGB = 0xFFC0CB). Public fieldStatic member Purple Represents a purple color (RGB = 0x800080). Public fieldStatic member Red Represents a red color (RGB = 0xFF0000). Public fieldStatic member White Represents a write color (RGB = 0xFFFFFF). Public fieldStatic member Yellow Represents a yellow color (RGB = 0xFFFF00). Best Choice: Multiples of 16 2nd Best Choice: Multiples of 8 3rd Best Choice: Multiples of 4 1920 x 1080
1792 x 1008
1856 x 1044
1280 x 720
1152 x 648
1216 x 684
1024 x 576
896 x 504
1088 x 612
768 x 432
640 x 360
960 x 540
desktop:~/Desktop/Ubuntu16.04/deep-dream-generator$ ls -ltrh /dev/video* That returned: crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 Oct 6 08:49 /dev/video0 ----- alternate means for more specific info ------ sudo apt-get install v4l-utils -desktop:~/Desktop/Ubuntu16.04/deep-dream-generator$ v4l2-ctl --list-devices Microsoft® LifeCam Cinema(TM): (usb-0000:00:13.2-2): /dev/video0If not listed look here
Without audio ffmpeg \ -loop 1 -framerate 24 -t 10 -i image1.jpg \ -i video.mp4 \ -loop 1 -framerate 24 -t 10 -i image2.jpg \ -loop 1 -framerate 24 -t 10 -i image3.jpg \ -filter_complex "[0][1][2][3]concat=n=4:v=1:a=0" out.mp4 Match -framerate with frame rate from video.mp4. With audio If there is audio in video.mp4 you'll need to provide audio for the images as well for it to be able to concatenate. Example of generating silence: ffmpeg \ -loop 1 -framerate 24 -t 10 -i image1.jpg \ -i video.mp4 \ -loop 1 -framerate 24 -t 10 -i image2.jpg \ -loop 1 -framerate 24 -t 10 -i image3.jpg \ -f lavfi -t 0.1 -i anullsrc=channel_layout=stereo:sample_rate=44100 \ -filter_complex "[0:v][4:a][1:v][1:a][2:v][4:a][3:v][4:a]concat=n=4:v=1:a=1" out.mp4
Mp4 files may not be concated directly because the contain headers.
EXAMPLE: ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy video_draft.avi
OR cat mylist.txt file 'banjo1.mp4' file 'banjo2.mp4' $ ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy banjo-player.mp4 ----------------- Good for mixed codecs -------------------------- ffmpeg -i intro.mkv -i part2.mkv \ -filter_complex "[0:v:0][0:a:0][1:v:0][1:a:0]concat=n=2:v=1:a=1[outv][outa]" \ -map "[outv]" -map "[outa]" -t 30 bothoutput.mkv ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -i image1.png -i image2.png -filter_complex '[0:v][1:v][2:v]overlay[out]' -map '[out]' test2out.mp4 -re -rtbufsize 200M used: ffmpeg -i Komiku1.mp3 -filter_complex avectorscope=s=640x640 -y -acodec copy -t 59 videoavector.mp4 used: ffmpeg -i Komiku9.mp3 -filter_complex showspectrum=mode=separate:color=intensity:slide=1:scale=cbrt -y -acodec copy -t 59 spectrumvideo.mp4 used: ffmpeg -i videoavector.mp4 -i scope.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,0,59)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy vectordone.mp4 ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:a]showcqt,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a output.mp4 ffmpeg -i Komiku5.mp3 -filter_complex "[0:a]aphasemeter=s=640x640:mpc=cyan,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a aphasemeterout.mp4 ffplay outw.mp4 -vf "split=2[a][b],[b]histogram,format=yuva444p[hh],[a][hh]overlay" ffmpeg -i outw.mp4 -vf "split=2[a][b],[b]histogram,format=yuva444p[hh],[a][hh]overlay" histout.mp4 ffmpeg -dumpgraph 1 -f lavfi "color=s=100x100:c=red [l];color=s=100x100:c=blue [r];nullsrc=s=200x100, zmq [bg];[bg][l] overlay [bg+l]; [bg+l][r] overlay=x=100" test001.mp4 $ ffmpeg -dumpgraph 1 -f 17 "color=s=100x100:c=red [l];color=s=100x100:c=blue [r];nullsrc=s=200x100, zmq [bg];[bg][l] overlay [bg+l]; [bg+l][r] overlay=x=100" test001.mp4 $ ffmpeg -dumpgraph 1 -vf "color=s=100x100:c=red [l];color=s=100x100:c=blue [r];nullsrc=s=200x100, zmq [bg];[bg][l] overlay [bg+l]; [bg+l][r] overlay=x=100" test001.mp4 $ ffmpeg -i -dumpgraph 1 -vf "color=s=100x100:c=red [l];color=s=100x100:c=blue [r];nullsrc=s=200x100, zmq [bg];[bg][l] overlay [bg+l]; [bg+l][r] overlay=x=100" test001.mp4 $ ffmpeg -dumpgraph 1 -i -vf "color=s=100x100:c=red [l];color=s=100x100:c=blue [r];nullsrc=s=200x100, zmq [bg];[bg][l] overlay [bg+l]; [bg+l][r] overlay=x=100" test001.mp4 $ ffmpeg -dumpgraph 1 -vf "color=s=100x100:c=red [l];color=s=100x100:c=blue [r];nullsrc=s=200x100, zmq [bg];[bg][l] overlay [bg+l]; [bg+l][r] overlay=x=100" test001.mp4 $ ffmpeg -dumpgraph 1 -vf "color=s=100x100:c=red[l];color=s=100x100:c=blue [r];nullsrc=s=200x100,zmq[bg];[bg][l]overlay[bg+l];[bg+l][r]overlay=x=100" test001.mp4 $ ffmpeg -dumpgraph 1 -f lavfi -vf "color=s=100x100:c=red[l];color=s=100x100:c=blue [r];nullsrc=s=200x100,zmq[bg];[bg][l]overlay[bg+l];[bg+l][r]overlay=x=100" test001.mp4 $ ffmpeg -dumpgraph 1 -f lavfi -vf "color=s=100x100:c=red[l];color=s=100x100:c=blue [r];nullsrc=s=200x100,zmq[bg];[bg][l]overlay[bg+l];[bg+l][r]overlay=x=100" test001.mkv $ ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/DroidSans.ttf: timecode='09\:57\:00\;00': r=30: \ $ ffmpeg -i histout.mp4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/DroidSans.ttf: timecode='09\:57\:00\;00': r=30: x=(w-tw)/2: y=h-(2*lh): fontcolor=white: box=1: boxcolor=0x00000000@1" -an -y out.mp $ ffmpeg -i histout.mp4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/DroidSans.ttf: timecode='09\:57\:00\;00': r=30: x=(w-tw)/2: y=h-(2*lh): fontcolor=white: box=1: boxcolor=0x00000000@1" -an -y out.mp4 $ ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=10:size=1280x720:rate=30 output.mpg $ ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=10:size=640x640:rate=30 output.mpg $ ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=17:size=640x640:rate=30 output.mpg $ ffmpeg -framerate 17 -i new%06d.bmp -c:v libx264 -r 17 -vf unsharp=3:3:-.5:3:3:-.1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf -vignette=PI/4 out0vig.mp4 $ ffmpeg -i out.mp4 -vf "split=2[a][b],[b]histogram,format=yuva444p[hh],[a][hh]overlay" outtest.mp4 $ ffmpeg -i output.mpg -vf "split=2[a][b],[b]histogram,format=yuva444p[hh],[a][hh]overlay" histout.mp4 $ ffmpeg -i output.mpg -vf "split=2[a][b],[b]histogram,format=yuva444p[hh],[a][hh]overlay" histout2.mp4 $ ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=17:size=640x640:rate=30 output.mp4 $ ls $ ffprobe output.mp4 ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -i image1.png -i image2.png -filter_complex '[0:v][1:v][2:v]overlay[out]' -map ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -i image1.png -i image2.png -filter_complex '[0:v][1:v][2:v]overlay[out]' -map '[out]' test2out.mp4 ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -i image1.png -filter_complex '[0:v][1:v]overlay[out]' -map '[out]' test2out.mp4 6691 ffmpeg -i test2out.mp4 -i image2.png -filter_complex '[0:v][1:v]overlay[out]' -map '[out]' test3out.mp4 ffmpeg -i sound.mp3 -f lavfi -i mandelbrot=s=640x640 -y -acodec copy video.mp4 ffmpeg -i sound.mp3 -f lavfi -i mandelbrot=s=640x640 -y -acodec copy -t 59 video.mp4 ffmpeg -i sound.mp3 -f lavfi -i mandelbrot=s=640x640 -y -acodec copy -t 19 video.mp4 ffmpeg -i sound.mp3 -f lavfi -i mandelbrot=s=640x640 -y -acodec copy -t 10 video.mp4 ffmpeg -i option.mp3 -filter_complex showspectrum=mode=separate:color=intensity:slide=1:scale=cbrt -y -acodec copy -t 59 videooption.mp4 ffmpeg -i Komiko1.mp3 -filter_complex avectorscope=s=640x640 -y -acodec copy -t 59 videoavector.mp4 ffmpeg -i Komiku1.mp3 -filter_complex avectorscope=s=640x640 -y -acodec copy -t 59 videoavector.mp4 ffmpeg -i Komiku2.mp3 -filter_complex showspectrum=mode=separate:color=intensity:slide=1:scale=cbrt -y -acodec copy -t 59 spectrumvideo.mp4 ffmpeg -i Komiku9.mp3 -filter_complex showspectrum=mode=separate:color=intensity:slide=1:scale=cbrt -y -acodec copy -t 59 spectrumvideo.mp4 ffmpeg -i videoavector.mp4 -i scope.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,0,59)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy vectordone.mp4 ffmpeg -re -rtbufsize 200M -i Komiku13.mp3 -f lavfi -i mandelbrot=s=640x640 -y -acodec copy -t 59 mandelvideo.mp4 ffmpeg -i Komiku5.mp3 -filter_complex "[0:a]aphasemeter=s=640x640:mpc=cyan,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -t 10 aphasemeterout.mp4 ffmpeg -i Komiku5.mp3 Komiku5.wav ffmpeg -i Komiku5.wav -filter_complex "[0:a]aphasemeter=s=640x640:mpc=cyan,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -t 10 aphasemeterout.mp4 ffmpeg -i mandelvideo.mp4 -t 59 mandelvideos.mp4 6717 ffmpeg -framerate 17 -i new%06d.bmp -c:v libx264 -r 17 -vf unsharp=3:3:-.5:3:3:-.1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf -vignette=PI/4 out0vig.mp4 6718 ffmpeg -framerate 17 -i new%06d.bmp -c:v libx264 -r 17 -vf unsharp=3:3:-.5:3:3:-.1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vignette=PI/4 out0vig.mp4 6719 ffmpeg -framerate 17 -i new%06d.bmp -c:v libx264 -r 17 -vf unsharp=3:3:-.5:3:3:-.1 -pix_fmt yuv420p out0vig.mp4
I have used this on Mp4 video works fine
Still experimenting : this worked but removes ALL black
ffmpeg -i planetshort.mp4 -i meshort.mp4 -filter_complex "[1]split[m][a]; [a]geq='if(gt(lum(X,Y),16),255,0)',hue=s=0[al]; [m][al]alphamerge[ovr]; [0][ovr]overlay" -t 59 -strict -2 output000.mp4For Instagram 700x700 Ripple
ffmpeg -i voko.mp4 -f lavfi -i nullsrc=s=700x700,lutrgb=128:128:128 -f lavfi -i nullsrc=s=700x700,geq='r=128+30*sin(2*PI*X/400+T):g=128+30*sin(2*PI*X/400+T):b=128+30*sin(2*PI*X/400+T)' -lavfi '[0][1][2]displace' ripple2.mp4This command replaces the original image with a new size.
mogrify -resize 1080x1080 *.pngffprobe Sleeping.mp4 ffprobe version 2.7.6-0ubuntu0.15.10.1 Copyright (c) 2007-2016 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 5.2.1 (Ubuntu 5.2.1-22ubuntu2) 20151010 configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.15.10.1 --build-suffix=-ffmpeg --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-gpl --enable-shared --disable-stripping --enable-avresample --enable-avisynth --enable-frei0r --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-openal --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librtmp --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libshine --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libxvid --enable-libzvbi --enable-opengl --enable-x11grab --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libiec61883 --enable-libzmq --enable-libssh --enable-libsoxr --enable-libx264 --enable-libopencv --enable-libx265 libavutil 54. 27.100 / 54. 27.100 libavcodec 56. 41.100 / 56. 41.100 libavformat 56. 36.100 / 56. 36.100 libavdevice 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100 libavfilter 5. 16.101 / 5. 16.101 libavresample 2. 1. 0 / 2. 1. 0 libswscale 3. 1.101 / 3. 1.101 libswresample 1. 2.100 / 1. 2.100 libpostproc 53. 3.100 / 53. 3.100 Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'Sleeping.mp4': Metadata: major_brand : mp42 minor_version : 0 compatible_brands: isommp42 creation_time : 2013-05-22 06:03:40 Duration: 00:05:12.73, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 494 kb/s Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 480x360, 396 kb/s, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 50 tbn, 50 tbc (default) Metadata: handler_name : VideoHandler Stream #0:1(und): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 96 kb/s (default) Metadata: creation_time : 2013-05-22 06:03:50 handler_name : IsoMedia File Produced by Google, 5-11-2011
USED DECEMBER 8, 2018: Worked fine I have created a script to auto-capture a full screen with sound: it will capture the video and save it the current date in what ever directory it is run: ------------------- scrCAP ----------------------- #!/bin/bash ffmpeg -y -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:1,0 -strict -2 -f x11grab -framerate 30 -video_size 1360x766 -i :0.0 \ -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -qp 0 -preset ultrafast $(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M).mp4 -------------------------------------------------- ffmpeg -y -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:1,0 -strict -2 -f x11grab -framerate 30 -video_size 640x640 -i :0.0+360,100 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -qp 0 -preset ultrafast VideoLast.mp4 - NO ERRORS GREAT RECORDING - Works well with Gimp and Blender ;
works with HP3100 microphone or with headsets:
ffmpeg3 -thread_queue_size 768 -f alsa -i pulse -f x11grab -r 17 -s 1360x760 -i :0.0 -preset ultrafast -acodec pcm_s16le 0003.mkv experimental:
ffmpeg3 -f alsa -r 16000 -i hw:2,0 -f video4linux2 -s 800x600 -i /dev/video0 -r 30 -f avi -vcodec mpeg4 -vtag xvid -qscale 0 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 96k output.avi ffmpeg3 -f alsa -r 16000 -i plughw:CARD=H3100,DEV=0 -f video4linux2 -s 800x600 -i /dev/video0 -r 30 -f avi -vcodec mpeg4 -vtag xvid -qscale 0 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 96k output.mp4 ffmpeg3 -f alsa -i plughw:CARD=H3100,DEV=0 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 96k -s hd720 -framerate 30 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -c:v libx264 -qp 0 -preset ultrafast desktop.mkvFfmpeg may be used with no options
The i- following ffmpeg proceeds the file name. The simple command below uses same size and the frame rate defaults to 25 ( -framerate 25 ).
ffmpeg -i infile.avi youroutput.mp4
If you wish to keep the frame sizes and frame rate intact use the -strict option. it results in a high quality video if possible.
ffmpeg -i input.avi -strict -2 output.mp4
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -codec copy output.mp4
Good Screen Capture - NO errors
Working in may 2018
Capture screen and USB headset ffmpeg -y -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:1,0 -strict -2 -f x11grab -framerate 30 -video_size 1360x768 -i :0.0+0,0 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -qp 0 -preset ultrafast Video.avi
Just voice from headset
ffmpeg3 -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:1,0 -strict -2 text-with.mp4Used Sept 20, 2018 BOTH GOOD
Records screen video no sound: ffmpeg -video_size 1024x768 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0 output.mp4 ffmpeg -video_size 1024x768 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:0 output.mkv Records screen and video: ffmpeg -video_size 1024x768 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -f pulse -ac 2 -i default output.mkvBeautiful lossless screen capture (NO AUDIO) works with ffmpeg version ffmpeg version N-83393-g39afd04 Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 5.2.1 (Ubuntu 5.2.1-23ubuntu1~15.10) 20151028:
Used Feb7th 2017
This may or may not be used with -t option to limit video length. It also shows time lapsed and allows " q " to stop screen recording
ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 17 -s 1360x760 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -t 20 test001.mp4 ??? NOT GOOD a. ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 30 -video_size 1360x760 -i :0.0 -c:v libx264 -qp 0 -preset ultrafast capture.mkv ( Large File ) b. Then run this to lossless reduce the size. c. ffmpeg -i capture.mkv -c:v libx264 -qp 0 -preset veryslow capture_smaller.mkv ( lossless smaller ) d. ffmpeg -video_size 1024x768 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0.0+0,0 -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -acodec aac -strict experimental soundoutput.flv
ffmpeg -i drum.mp3 -filter_complex "[0:a]ahistogram,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -t 59 ahistogram.mp4 ffmpeg -i drum.mp3 -filter_complex "[0:a]showfreqs=mode=line:fscale=log,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -t 59 showfreqs-line.mp4 fmpeg -i drum.mp3 -filter_complex "[0:a]showfreqs=mode=bar:fscale=log,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -t 59 showfreqs-bar.mp4 ( https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#showfreqs ) ffmpeg -i dream.mp3 -filter_complex "[0:a]showspectrum=s=1280x720,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -t 59 showspectrum.mp4 ffmpeg -i dream.mp3 -filter_complex "[0:a]showwaves=s=1280x720:mode=line:rate=25,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" -t 59 showwaves.mp4 ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "hflip,vflip,format=yuv420p" -metadata:s:v rotate=0 -codec:v libx264 -codec:a copy output.mkv
contrast may range from -2 to plus 2. It may be run on the output file to REALLY increase the contrast. ffmpeg -i postsized.mp4 -filter_complex "eq=contrast=2:brightness=0:saturation=1:gamma=1:gamma_r=1:gamma_g=1:gamma_b=1:gamma_weight=1" contrast.mp4 Set brightness, contrast, saturation and approximate gamma adjustment. The filter options: contrast float value in range -2.0 to 2.0. The default value is "1". brightness Set the brightness expression. The value must be a float value in range -1.0 to 1.0. The default value is "0". saturation float in range 0.0 to 3.0. The default value is "1". gamma float in range 0.1 to 10.0. The default value is "1". gamma_r float in range 0.1 to 10.0. The default value is "1". gamma_g float in range 0.1 to 10.0. The default value is "1". gamma_b float in range 0.1 to 10.0. The default value is "1". gamma_weight float in range 0.0 to 1.0. A value of 0.0 turns the gamma correction all the way down while 1.0 leaves it at its full strength. Default is "1".reduce the effect of a high gamma value on bright image areas it will prevent them from getting overamplified and just plain white.
Then I used:
ffmpeg -i Fishout2.mp4 -vf scale=1024:1024 1024.mp4
I used that to "square up" the video for instagram.
$ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -croptop 100 -cropbottom 100 -cropleft 300 -cropright 300 output.mp4 $ ffmpeg -i thefishcut01.mkv -ss 2 -filter:v "crop=380:380:300:215" Fish-cropped2.mp4 THE SCRIPT BELOW WORKED GREAT ffmpeg -i Make-a-Video-Using-Javascript.mkv -i Fish-cropped.mkv -filter_complex " \ [1:v] fade=in:st=50:d=3:alpha=1,fade=out:st=124:d=3:alpha=1,scale=380:380 [intro]; \ [0:v][intro] overlay=1:x=20:y=20:enable='between(t,50,126)' [v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -acodec copy make-fish-crop005.mkv
1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,000 A touch of Humor 2 00:00:03,050 --> 00:00:05,550 Measured my eye for sleeping mask 3 00:00:05,700 --> 00:00:07,900 layers of glued manila papercan be shaped 4 00:00:11,350 --> 00:00:15,650 cut and shape to eye size 5 00:00:18,000 --> 00:00:20,200 Instant Sleeping Mask 6 00:00:25,00 --> 00:00:29,000 I hope this brought a smile-- end srt file
This essentially doubles the size of input1.mp4 by padding the right side with black the same size as the original video, and then places input2.mp4 over the top of that black area with the overlay filter.
I have used this it works fine on my linux Box
ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=640x480 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=640x480 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=640x480 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=640 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=480 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=640:y=480" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space.mkvspace.mkv
ffmpeg -i starout.mp4 -i Dance.mp4 -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=250x250 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=700:y=700" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 vidonvid.mp4 ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=410x307 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=410x307 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=410x307 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=410 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=410 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=410:y=307" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space2.mkvspace2_0.mkv
ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=500 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=500 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=0:x=500:y=375" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space3_0.mkvspace3_0.mkv
ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=410x307 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=500 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=500 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=500:y=375" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space4_0.mkvspace4_0.mkv
ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=410x307 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=500 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=500 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=589:y=375" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space5_0.mkvspace5_0.mkv
ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=410x307 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=500 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=500 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=589:y=620" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space6_0.mkvspace6_0.mkv
first set 640:640 is the video size when completed. The second set 0:0 are where you want to load the original video. Example below original video is 640x480: ffmpeg -i contrastg.mp4 -vf pad=640:640:0:0:violet pad.mp4 (puts the padding on bottom) ffmpeg -i contrastg.mp4 -vf pad=640:640:480:160:violet pad.mp4 (puts the padding on bottom)
ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=410x307 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=500 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=500 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=589:y=693" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space7_0.mkvspace7_0.mkv
ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=410x307 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=500 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=500 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=569:y=673" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space8_0.mkv
Notice changing -- overlay=shortest=1:x=569:y=673" gave a 20 pixal border on the bottom and right side to the third video.
space8_0.mkvThe Understanding: ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=500 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=500 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=410:y=307" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space4_0.mkv ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=500x375 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=410x303 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=500 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=500 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=500:y=375" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space4_0.mkv Requires: Space.mp4 2a.mkv 1a.mkv desktop.mkv terminal output: jack@jack-desktop:~/Desktop/TRASH/keep/instagram$ ffmpeg -i Space.mp4 -i 2a.mkv -i 1a.mkv -i desktop.mkv -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=1000x1000 [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=1000x1000 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=640x480 [upperright]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=640x480 [lowerleft]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=640x480 [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=640 [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=480 [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=640:y=480" -s 1000x1000 -framerate 17 -c:v libx264 space.mkv
ffprobe -v error -show_format -show_streams SpaceSubtitle_ffmpeg.mp4
----- end of response ---
The command below command is no designed to be a file information command, however it works as one. As you see it provides some erroneous information and concludes with an error "At least one output file must be specified". Ffprobe is the desired means of acquiring information.
EXPERIMENT To show streaming video in a port. ffmpeg -i /dev/video0 -listen 1 -f matroska -c:v libx264 -preset fast -tune zerolatency http://:8080 ffplay http://localhost:8080/
ffmpeg -i input -filter:v "scale=1280:-1,unsharp=5:5:1.0:5:5:0.0" output The -1 in the scale filter tells ffmpeg to automatically choose the correct height to preserve aspect ratio. You can change the scaler with the -sws_flags option, such as -sws_flags lanczos. For upsampling lanczos is worth trying. Default is bicubic. See the full list at ffmpeg -h full. The results of: ffmpeg -i infile.avi youroutput.mp4
ffmpeg -i post612.mp4 -i frame.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,0,29)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output00.mp4
Adding a title image
ffmpeg -i srtout.mp4 -i intro.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,0,20)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output2.mp4
#Tested and working -- ffmpeg -i zoomin2.mp4 -i Info.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,0,4)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output2.mp4
ffmpeg -i zoomin2.mp4 -i Info.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,0,4)'" -i Info.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,10,24)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output2.mp4
----------------------------- sound card info jack@jack-desktop:~/Videos$ arecord -l **** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices **** card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1 Analog] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 2: ALC662 rev1 Alt Analog [ALC662 rev1 Alt Analog] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 Select File ──────┐ │ │ /proc/asound/version │ │ → ┌─────────────────── /proc/asound/cards ────────────────────┐ → │ 0 [Generic ]: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic │ → │ HD-Audio Generic at 0xfef40000 irq 16│ → └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ → /proc/asound/pcm /proc/asound/devices ───────┐ │ 1: : sequencer │ │ 2: [ 0] : control │ → 3: [ 0- 0]: digital audio playback│ → 4: [ 0- 0]: digital audio capture │ → 5: [ 0- 1]: digital audio playback│ → 6: [ 0- 2]: digital audio capture │ → 7: [ 0- 0]: hardware dependent │ → 33: : timer no go--- ffmpeg -f alsa -i default:CARD=0xfef40000 -t 30 out.wav ffmpeg -f alsa -i hw:0,0 -t 30 out.mp3 ffmpeg -f alsa -i hw:4,0 -t out.mp3 ffmpeg -f alsa -i hw:4,2 -t 30 out.mp3 ffmpeg -f alsa -i hw:0,2 -t 30 out.mp3 ffmpeg -f alsa -i hw:0 -t 30 out.mp3 ffmpeg -f alsa -i hw:4 -t 30 out.mp3 ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 04 -i loopout out.wav.mp3 ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i loopout out.wav.mp3 ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -ar 44100 -i loopout out.wav.mp3 ffmpeg -f alsa -i plughw:CARD=0xfef40000,DEV=0 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 96k -s hd720 -framerate 30 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -c:v libx264 -qp 0 -preset ultrafast desktop.mkv ffmpeg -i jazz.mkv -r 16 -filter:v "setpts=0.4*PTS" -strict -2 jazz.mp4 ffmpeg -i jazz.mp4 -i mysound.mp3 -c copy -map 0:0 -map 1:0 jazzsound.mp4 ffmpeg -i jazzsound.mp4 -i experiment.jpg \ -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=10:10:enable='between(t,0,2)'" \ -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy \ jaztitle.mp4 ffmpeg -i touchtitle4.mp4 -i touch.jpg \ -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=10:10:enable='between(t,0,2)'" \ -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy \ touchjaztitle.mp4ffmpeg -i touch8.mp4 -i touch.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,0,3)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy touchoutput00.mp4
This overlaid and centered a 612x612 image on a 1080x1080 video
ffmpeg -i uploadfaster2.mp4 -i beams.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=234:234:enable='between(t,0,3)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy titlenosound.mp4ffmpeg -i fadevid-notsound.mp4 -vf 'fade=in:0:240,fade=out:1600:170' -af 'afade=in:st=0:d=10,afade=out:st=55:d=4' -c:v libx264 -crf 22 -preset veryfast fadeInOut4.mp4 ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -loop 1 -i title.png -filter_complex "[1:v]fade=in:5:8, fade=out:10:d=3 alpha=1 [ov]; [0:v][ov] overlay=0:0 [v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -c:v libxx264 -c:a copy -shortest textover.mp4" ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -framerate 30000/1001 -loop 1 -i title.png -filter_complex "[1:v] fade=out:5:d=3 alpha=1 [ov]; [0:v][ov] overlay=10:10 [v]" -map "[v]" -map 0:a -c:v libxx264 -c:a copy -shortest textover.mp4" a>
ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -loop 1 -i title.png -filter_complex "[1:v]fade=in:0:100[v1]; [0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v0]; [v1]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+10/TB[v3];[v0][v3]overlay=eof_action=pass[out1]" -map [out1] -t 52 overlaidoutput.mp4 Title fades in after 10 sec ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -loop 1 -i title.png -filter_complex "[1:v]fade=in:0:100,fade=out:150 [v1]; [0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v0]; [v1]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+10/TB[v3];[v0][v3]overlay=eof_action=pass[out1]" -map [out1] -t 52 overlaidoutput.mp4 fades in and out ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -loop 1 -i title.png -filter_complex "[1:v]fade=in:30, fade=out:80 [v1]; [0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v0]; [v1]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+10/TB[v3];[v0][v3]overlay=eof_action=pass[out1]" -map [out1] -t 52 space1outtitle3.mp4 ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -loop 1 -i title.png -filter_complex "[1:v]fade=in:0:100, fade=out:150 [v1]; [0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v0]; [v1]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+10/TB[v3];[v0][v3]overlay=eof_action=pass[out1]" -map [out1] -t 52 overlaidoutput.mp4 ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -loop 1 -i title.png -filter_complex "[1:v]fade=in:0:5, fade=out:8 [v1]; [0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v0]; [v1]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+10/TB[v3];[v0][v3]overlay=eof_action=pass[out1]" -map [out1] -t 52 space1outtitle.mp4 no ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -i title.png -filter_complex " -loop 1 [0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,5,10)',fade=t=in:st=5:d=1, fade=t=out:st=10:d=1 '" -c:v libx264 -crf 23 output.mp4
ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -i title.png -filter_complex "[0:v]fade=t=in:st=5:d=1,fade=t=out:st=10:d=1[over];[1:v][over]overlay=0:0" -c:v libx264 -crf 23 output.mp4
ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -i title.png -filter_complex "[1:v]fade=t=in:st=5:d=1,fade=t=out:st=10:d=1[over];[0:v][over]overlay=0:0" -c:v libx264 -crf 23 output.mp4
ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -i title.png -filter_complex "[0:v][V0]; [1:v]fade=t=in:st=0:d=1,fade=t=out:st=4:d=1[v1]; " -c:v libx264 -crf 23 output.mp4ffmpeg \ -loop 1 -t 5 -i input0.png \ -loop 1 -t 5 -i input1.png \ -loop 1 -t 5 -i input2.png \ -loop 1 -t 5 -i input3.png \ -loop 1 -t 5 -i input4.png \ -filter_complex \ "[0:v]fade=t=out:st=4:d=1[v0]; \ [1:v]fade=t=in:st=0:d=1,fade=t=out:st=4:d=1[v1]; \ [2:v]fade=t=in:st=0:d=1,fade=t=out:st=4:d=1[v2]; \ [3:v]fade=t=in:st=0:d=1,fade=t=out:st=4:d=1[v3]; \ [4:v]fade=t=in:st=0:d=1,fade=t=out:st=4:d=1[v4]; \ [v0][v1][v2][v3][v4]concat=n=5:v=1:a=0,format=yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" out.mp4 -y -vf fade=in:5:10 fade=out:10:12 ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -i title.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='10 fade=out:10:12'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output00.mp4 ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -i title.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] -vf alpha='if(lt(t,5),0,if(lt(t,t1+3),(t-5)/3,if(lt(t,5+3+4),1,if(lt(t,5+3+4+3),(4-(t-5-3-4))/3,0))))' " -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output00.mp4 ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -i title.png -filter_complex " [0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,5,10)',fade=t=in:st=5:d=1, fade=t=out:st=10:d=1 '" -c:v libx264 -crf 23 output.mp4 alpha='if(lt(t,5),0,(t-t1)/2)' alpha='if(lt(t,5),0,if(lt(t,t1+3),(t-5)/3,if(lt(t,5+3+4),1,if(lt(t,5+3+4+3),(4-(t-5-3-4))/3,0))))'Good Fade reference ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -i title.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,5,7)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output00.mp4
ffmpeg -i space1out.mp4 -i title.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:fade=in:10:3 fade=out:13:d=3 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a textover2.mp4
Full steps to making a slide show
Name all files JPG: Make sure all images are the same format and size.
Works without resizing
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i %04d.jpg -vf scale=640:640 -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p 30exout.mp4
mogrify -resize 612x612 *.jpg An All in one command for Video
turn them all into png: mogrify -format png *.jpg Make slideshow:
ffmpeg -framerate 1 -i %03d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p vide12.mp4
Add Music:
ffmpeg -i vide12.mp4 -i 150413_Spanish_Fire---free_download.mp3 -c copy -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -shortest vid12sound.mp4Experimental stuff: Composition Size: maximum width 1080 pixels (height anything, although within the same ratios as images) Frame Rate 29.96 frames per second (max 30fps, but should be fixed, not variable) H.264 codec / MP4 5,500 kbps video bitrate (although Instagram may reduce this to 3,500kbps when we post it) AAC audio codec at 44.1 kHz mono (up to 128kbps)ffmpeg -loop 1 -i ./frames/0253.png -r 30 -t 3 -pix_fmt rgba -vcodec png frame.mov >> log.txt ffmpeg -i 1350x1350barsOutput.mp4 -i mask.mp4 -filter_complex "[1:0]setdar=dar=1,format=rgba[a]; [0:0]setdar=dar=1,format=rgba[b]; [b][a]blend=all_mode='overlay':all_opacity=0.8" blended.mp4 ffmpeg -i background.m2v -vf "movie=a.m2v [a]; movie=b.m2v [b]; [in][a] overlay=0:366, [b] overlay=592:41" combined.m2v ffmpeg -i 1.mkv -i 2.mkv -f lavfi -i color=black -filter_complex "[0:v]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p,fade=t=out:st=4:d=1:alpha=1,setpts=PTS- STARTPTS[va0];[1:v]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p,fade=t=in:st=0:d=1:alpha=1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+4/TB[va1];[2:v]scale=612x612, trim=duration=9[over];[over][va0]overlay[over1];[over1][va1]overlay=format=yuv420[outv]" -c:v libx264 -map [outv] out.mp4 ffmpeg -i colorparameterstitle.mp4 -i komikucolor.mp3 -c copy -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -shortest colortitlesound.mp4This creats a black frame and overlays a video on it : Tried and working
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=c=black:s=1280x720 -i me.mkv -shortest -filter_complex "[1:v]chromakey=0x70de77:0.1:0.2[ckout];[0:v][ckout]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" output001.mkv
It makes the black Transparent works with video also.
ffmpeg -i jazz.mkv -i me.mkv -shortest -filter_complex "[1:v]chromakey=0x70de77:0.1:0.2[ckout];[0:v][ckout]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" output002.mkv resize:
ffmpeg -i maskme.mp4 -vf scale=350:350 -an -strict -2 maskme350.mkv ffmpeg -y -i output003.mkv -f lavfi -i color=c=black:s=606x606 -filter_complex "[0:v]scale=w=0.80*iw:h=0.80*ih[scaled]; [1:v][scaled]overlay=x=0.10*main_w:y=0.10*main_h:eof_action=endall[out]; [0:a]anull[aud]" -map "[out]" -map "[aud]" -strict -2 outputblkbak.mkv will create a mask behind a video ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=c=black:s=612x612 -i maskme350.mkv -shortest -filter_complex "[1:v]chromakey=0x70de77:0.1:0.2[ckout];[0:v][ckout]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" outputmask.mkv This works fine the masked (in black) video outputmask.mkv --- the regular video jazz.mkv. the black is transparent.
ffmpeg -i outputmask.mkv -i jazz.mkv -shortest -filter_complex "[1:v]chromakey=0x70de77:0.1:0.2[ckout];[0:v][ckout]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" -t 20 output006.mkv One overlay:
ffmpeg.exe -i master_video.mp4 -vf "movie=smaller_inner_video.mp4[inner]; [in][inner] overlay=70:70 [out]" completed.mp4 Two Overlays:
ffmpeg.exe -i master_video.mp4 -vf "movie=smaller_inner_video.mp4[inner]; movie=smaller_inner_video2.mp4[inner2]; [in][inner] overlay=70:70 [step1]; [step1][inner2] overlay=1050:560 [out]" completed.mp4
Works Great to fade pictures in and out for slideshow
melt -verbose -profile atsc_720p_25 0001.png out=50 0002.png out=75 -mix 25 -mixer luma 0003.png out=75 -mix 25 -mixer luma 0004.png out=75 -mix 25 -mixer luma 0005.png out=75 -mix 25 -mixer luma -consumer avformat:output.mp4 vcodec=libx264 an=1profile your inputs files. list profiles - melt -query profiles melt -query "profile=atsc_720p_25". This example is using a profile that sets a frame rate of 25, so 25 frames equals 1 second. mix sets the duration of the fade. The value is in frames. mixer sets the type of mix.fade and blend two videos
First video fades to alpha in the 4th second (st=4) during 1 second (d=1), fade in the second one at 0 second (st=0) during 1 second (d=1) and moves it's display time forward to 4 sec (+4/TB). Then we just cut 9 second of black color, scale it to output video size and overlay the stuff.
ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -i output2.mp4 -f lavfi -i color=black -filter_complex "[0:v]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p,fade=t=out:st=4:d=1:alpha=1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[va0]; [1:v]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p,fade=t=in:st=0:d=1:alpha=1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+4/TB[va1]; [2:v]scale=1280x720,trim=duration=9[over]; [over][va0]overlay[over1]; [over1][va1]overlay=format=yuv420[outv]" -vcodec libx264 -map [outv] out.mp4
to Maintain aspect of if a square video is placed in a 1280x720 container
ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -i output2.mp4 -f lavfi -i color=black -filter_complex "[0:v]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p,fade=t=out:st=4:d=1:alpha=1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[va0]; [1:v]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p,fade=t=in:st=0:d=1:alpha=1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+4/TB[va1]; [2:v]scale=1280:-1,trim=duration=9[over]; [over][va0]overlay[over1]; [over1][va1]overlay=format=yuv420[outv]" -vcodec libx264 -map [outv] out.mp4
ffmpeg -i voko1.mp4 -i fade.png -filter_complex " [0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,5,10)',fade=t=in:st=5:d=1, fade=t=out:st=10:d=1 '" -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -t 59 fadeout.mp4 With "overlay[...],fade[...],fade[...]", you're appying the fading to the whole video and not just the overlay. It's a filter chain, you see, and the fade filters are chained behind the overlay. You will want to do something like adding "-loop 1" before the overlay image, and then using a filter like this: ffmpeg -i voko1.mp4 -i fade.png -filter_complex "[1:v]fade=t=in:st=5:d=1,fade=t=out:st=10:d=1[over];[0:v][over]overlay=0:0" -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -t 59 fadeoutput.mp4This works Fade Sound and video in and Out
Tried and it works fine
ffmpeg -i fadevid-notsound.mp4 -vf 'fade=in:0:240,fade=out:1600:170' -af 'afade=in:st=0:d=10,afade=out:st=55:d=4' -c:v libx264 -crf 22 -preset veryfast fadeInOut4.mp4Get number of frames in a video
ffmpeg -i fadevid-notsound.mp4 -vcodec copy -f rawvideo -y /dev/null 2>&1 | tr ^M '\n' | awk '/^frame=/ {print $2}'|tail -n 1
returns a number 1770
ffmpeg -i edit.mkv -vf "scale='min(1000,iw)':min'(1000,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=1000:1000:100:218:color=blue" edit7.mkv ffmpeg -i edit.mkv -vf "scale='min(1000,iw)':min'(1000,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=1000:1000:100:218:color=blue" edit7.mkv
Some Image Stuff
Batch convert jpeg to png:
mogrify -format png *.jpg
mogrify -resize 277x277 *.png
This will convert image to grayscale and remove all black ( #fff ) or white ( #000 ).
convert 0001.png -alpha copy -fx '#fff' 0101result.png
( you can make some fantastic paintbrushes. with this )
convert 0001.png -alpha copy -fx '#000' 0101result000.png
convert test.png -transparent white transparent.png
( removes all the black element of a png - similar to using alpha color in graphics programs )
gm convert -matte -operator Opacity Assign 80% 3.png output3.png Experimental stuff
convert image.jpg -region 70x110+270+140 –swirl 250 -region 70x120+83+129 –swirl -250 -region 170x170+115+350 –swirl 400 –region 90x50+165+195 –implode -1 Output.jpg
convert –size 200x70 xc:darkred -fill white –draw 'roundrectangle 5,5 195,65 5,5' -fill black -pointsize 35 –draw "text 12,45 'i m p l o d e'" -implode 0.5 implode.bmp
ffmpeg -noautorotate -i input.mp4 -vf "transpose=1,scale=-1:1080,pad=1920:1080:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" -c:a copy -metadata:s:v rotate=0 rotated.mp4
ffmpeg -i input -vf "scale='min(1280,iw)':min'(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=1280:720:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" output
Slow Different spots in the middle of a video
The input in this example has a duration of 60 seconds. 0-10 will be normal speed, 10-30 will be 50% slower,
and 30-end will be normal speed resulting in an output with a duration of ~80 seconds: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -filter_complex \ "[0:v]trim=0:10,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v1]; \ [0:v]trim=10:30,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v2]; \ [0:v]trim=start=30,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v3]; \ [v2]setpts=PTS/0.5[slowv]; \ [v1][slowv][v3]concat=n=3:v=1:a=0[out]" \ -map [out] output.mp4ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "select='if(gt(scene,0.01),st(.2,t),lte(t-ld(.2),.2)',setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB" trimmed.mp4 ffmpeg -i seamless.mkv -vf "select='if(gt(scene,0.01),st(1,t),lte(t-ld(1),1))',setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB" trimmed.mp4 ffmpeg -i seamless.mkv -vf "select='if(gt(scene,0.01),st(.2,t),lte(t-ld(.2),.2))',setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB" trimmed.mp4 ffmpeg -i seamless.mkv -vf "select='if(gt(scene,0.01),st(.2,t),lte(t-ld(.2),.2))',setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB" trimmed.mp4http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40966394/how-to-simply-remove-duplicate-frames-from-a-video-using-ffmpeg
Avconv Information and Configuration
avconv ffmpeg version 2.7.6-0ubuntu0.15.10.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 5.2.1 (Ubuntu 5.2.1-22ubuntu2) 20151010 configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.15.10.1 --build-suffix=-ffmpeg --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-gpl --enable-shared --disable-stripping --enable-avresample --enable-avisynth --enable-frei0r --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-openal --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librtmp --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libshine --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libxvid --enable-libzvbi --enable-opengl --enable-x11grab --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libiec61883 --enable-libzmq --enable-libssh --enable-libsoxr --enable-libx264 --enable-libopencv --enable-libx265 libavutil 54. 27.100 / 54. 27.100 libavcodec 56. 41.100 / 56. 41.100 libavformat 56. 36.100 / 56. 36.100 libavdevice 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100 libavfilter 5. 16.101 / 5. 16.101 libavresample 2. 1. 0 / 2. 1. 0 libswscale 3. 1.101 / 3. 1.101 libswresample 1. 2.100 / 1. 2.100 libpostproc 53. 3.100 / 53. 3.100 Hyper fast Audio and Video encoder usage: ffmpeg [options] [[infile options] -i infile]... {[outfile options] outfile}... Use -h to get full help or, even better, run 'man ffmpeg'In time this document may 'group' similar topics. Filters needs to be grouped:
Filters may be enabled and disabled
For example, to enable smartblur from 10 seconds to 30 seconds, and a curves filter starting at 3 seconds:
smartblur = enable='between(t,10,30)',
curves = enable='gte(t,3)' : preset=cross_process
See ffmpeg -filters to view which filters have timeline support.
jack@jack-desktop:~/git/clouddream/deepdream/video$ ffmpeg -filters ffmpeg version N-83393-g39afd04 Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 5.2.1 (Ubuntu 5.2.1-23ubuntu1~15.10) 20151028 configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-libx264 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-nonfree --enable-libfdk-aac --extra-libs=-ldl --enable-libass libavutil 55. 46.100 / 55. 46.100 libavcodec 57. 75.100 / 57. 75.100 libavformat 57. 66.101 / 57. 66.101 libavdevice 57. 2.100 / 57. 2.100 libavfilter 6. 72.100 / 6. 72.100 libswscale 4. 3.101 / 4. 3.101 libswresample 2. 4.100 / 2. 4.100 libpostproc 54. 2.100 / 54. 2.100 Filters:Notice T.. = Timeline support
T.. = Timeline support .S. = Slice threading ..C = Command support A = Audio input/output V = Video input/output N = Dynamic number and/or type of input/output | = Source or sink filter ... abench A->A Benchmark part of a filtergraph. ... acompressor A->A Audio compressor. ... acrossfade AA->A Cross fade two input audio streams. ... acrusher A->A Reduce audio bit resolution. T.. adelay A->A Delay one or more audio channels. ... aecho A->A Add echoing to the audio. ... aemphasis A->A Audio emphasis. ... aeval A->A Filter audio signal according to a specified expression. T.. afade A->A Fade in/out input audio. ... afftfilt A->A Apply arbitrary expressions to samples in frequency domain. ... aformat A->A Convert the input audio to one of the specified formats. ... agate A->A Audio gate. ... ainterleave N->A Temporally interleave audio inputs. ... alimiter A->A Audio lookahead limiter. ... allpass A->A Apply a two-pole all-pass filter. ... aloop A->A Loop audio samples. ... amerge N->A Merge two or more audio streams into a single multi-channel stream. T.. ametadata A->A Manipulate audio frame metadata. ... amix N->A Audio mixing. ..C anequalizer A->N Apply high-order audio parametric multi band equalizer. ... anull A->A Pass the source unchanged to the output. T.. apad A->A Pad audio with silence. ... aperms A->A Set permissions for the output audio frame. ... aphaser A->A Add a phasing effect to the audio. ... apulsator A->A Audio pulsator. ... arealtime A->A Slow down filtering to match realtime. ... aresample A->A Resample audio data. ... areverse A->A Reverse an audio clip. ... aselect A->N Select audio frames to pass in output. ... asendcmd A->A Send commands to filters. ... asetnsamples A->A Set the number of samples for each output audio frames. ... asetpts A->A Set PTS for the output audio frame. ... asetrate A->A Change the sample rate without altering the data. ... asettb A->A Set timebase for the audio output link. ... ashowinfo A->A Show textual information for each audio frame. T.. asidedata A->A Manipulate audio frame side data. ... asplit A->N Pass on the audio input to N audio outputs. ... astats A->A Show time domain statistics about audio frames. ..C astreamselect N->N Select audio streams ..C atempo A->A Adjust audio tempo. ... atrim A->A Pick one continuous section from the input, drop the rest. ... bandpass A->A Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-pass filter. ... bandreject A->A Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-reject filter. ... bass A->A Boost or cut lower frequencies. ... biquad A->A Apply a biquad IIR filter with the given coefficients. ... channelmap A->A Remap audio channels. ... channelsplit A->N Split audio into per-channel streams. ... chorus A->A Add a chorus effect to the audio. ... compand A->A Compress or expand audio dynamic range. ... compensationdelay A->A Audio Compensation Delay Line. ... crystalizer A->A Simple expand audio dynamic range filter. T.. dcshift A->A Apply a DC shift to the audio. ... dynaudnorm A->A Dynamic Audio Normalizer. ... earwax A->A Widen the stereo image. ... ebur128 A->N EBU R128 scanner. ... equalizer A->A Apply two-pole peaking equalization (EQ) filter. ... extrastereo A->A Increase difference between stereo audio channels. ..C firequalizer A->A Finite Impulse Response Equalizer. ... flanger A->A Apply a flanging effect to the audio. ... hdcd A->A Apply High Definition Compatible Digital (HDCD) decoding. ... highpass A->A Apply a high-pass filter with 3dB point frequency. ... join N->A Join multiple audio streams into multi-channel output. ... loudnorm A->A EBU R128 loudness normalization ... lowpass A->A Apply a low-pass filter with 3dB point frequency. ... pan A->A Remix channels with coefficients (panning). ... replaygain A->A ReplayGain scanner. ... sidechaincompress AA->A Sidechain compressor. ... sidechaingate AA->A Audio sidechain gate. ... silencedetect A->A Detect silence. ... silenceremove A->A Remove silence. ... stereotools A->A Apply various stereo tools. ... stereowiden A->A Apply stereo widening effect. ... treble A->A Boost or cut upper frequencies. ... tremolo A->A Apply tremolo effect. ... vibrato A->A Apply vibrato effect. T.C volume A->A Change input volume. ... volumedetect A->A Detect audio volume. ... aevalsrc |->A Generate an audio signal generated by an expression. ... anoisesrc |->A Generate a noise audio signal. ... anullsrc |->A Null audio source, return empty audio frames. ... sine |->A Generate sine wave audio signal. ... anullsink A->| Do absolutely nothing with the input audio. ... alphaextract V->N Extract an alpha channel as a grayscale image component. ... alphamerge VV->V Copy the luma value of the second input into the alpha channel of the first input. ... ass V->V Render ASS subtitles onto input video using the libass library. TS. atadenoise V->V Apply an Adaptive Temporal Averaging Denoiser. TS. avgblur V->V Apply Average Blur filter. T.. bbox V->V Compute bounding box for each frame. ... bench V->V Benchmark part of a filtergraph. T.. bitplanenoise V->V Measure bit plane noise. ... blackdetect V->V Detect video intervals that are (almost) black. ... blackframe V->V Detect frames that are (almost) black. TS. blend VV->V Blend two video frames into each other. T.. boxblur V->V Blur the input. TS. bwdif V->V Deinterlace the input image. TS. chromakey V->V Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on YUV colors. ... ciescope V->V Video CIE scope. T.. codecview V->V Visualize information about some codecs. T.. colorbalance V->V Adjust the color balance. T.. colorchannelmixer V->V Adjust colors by mixing color channels. TS. colorkey V->V Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on RGB colors. T.. colorlevels V->V Adjust the color levels. TS. colormatrix V->V Convert color matrix. TS. colorspace V->V Convert between colorspaces. TS. convolution V->V Apply convolution filter. ... copy V->V Copy the input video unchanged to the output. ... cover_rect V->V Find and cover a user specified object. ..C crop V->V Crop the input video. T.. cropdetect V->V Auto-detect crop size. TS. curves V->V Adjust components curves. .S. datascope V->V Video data analysis. TS. dctdnoiz V->V Denoise frames using 2D DCT. TS. deband V->V Debands video. ... decimate N->V Decimate frames (post field matching filter). T.. deflate V->V Apply deflate effect. ... dejudder V->V Remove judder produced by pullup. T.. delogo V->V Remove logo from input video. ... deshake V->V Stabilize shaky video. ... detelecine V->V Apply an inverse telecine pattern. T.. dilation V->V Apply dilation effect. T.. displace VVV->V Displace pixels. T.. drawbox V->V Draw a colored box on the input video. ... drawgraph V->V Draw a graph using input video metadata. T.. drawgrid V->V Draw a colored grid on the input video. T.. edgedetect V->V Detect and draw edge. ... elbg V->V Apply posterize effect, using the ELBG algorithm. T.C eq V->V Adjust brightness, contrast, gamma, and saturation. T.. erosion V->V Apply erosion effect. ... extractplanes V->N Extract planes as grayscale frames. .S. fade V->V Fade in/out input video. ... fftfilt V->V Apply arbitrary expressions to pixels in frequency domain. ... field V->V Extract a field from the input video. ... fieldhint V->V Field matching using hints. ... fieldmatch N->V Field matching for inverse telecine. T.. fieldorder V->V Set the field order. ... find_rect V->V Find a user specified object. ... format V->V Convert the input video to one of the specified pixel formats. ... fps V->V Force constant framerate. ... framepack VV->V Generate a frame packed stereoscopic video. ... framerate V->V Upsamples or downsamples progressive source between specified frame rates. T.. framestep V->V Select one frame every N frames. T.. fspp V->V Apply Fast Simple Post-processing filter. TS. gblur V->V Apply Gaussian Blur filter. T.. geq V->V Apply generic equation to each pixel. T.. gradfun V->V Debands video quickly using gradients. TS. haldclut VV->V Adjust colors using a Hald CLUT. TS. hflip V->V Horizontally flip the input video. T.. histeq V->V Apply global color histogram equalization. ... histogram V->V Compute and draw a histogram. T.. hqdn3d V->V Apply a High Quality 3D Denoiser. .S. hqx V->V Scale the input by 2, 3 or 4 using the hq*x magnification algorithm. ... hstack N->V Stack video inputs horizontally. T.C hue V->V Adjust the hue and saturation of the input video. ... hwdownload V->V Download a hardware frame to a normal frame ... hwupload V->V Upload a normal frame to a hardware frame ... hwupload_cuda V->V Upload a system memory frame to a CUDA device. T.. hysteresis VV->V Grow first stream into second stream by connecting components. ... idet V->V Interlace detect Filter. T.. il V->V Deinterleave or interleave fields. T.. inflate V->V Apply inflate effect. ... interlace V->V Convert progressive video into interlaced. ... interleave N->V Temporally interleave video inputs. ... kerndeint V->V Apply kernel deinterlacing to the input. .S. lenscorrection V->V Rectify the image by correcting for lens distortion. ... loop V->V Loop video frames. T.. lut V->V Compute and apply a lookup table to the RGB/YUV input video. T.. lut2 VV->V Compute and apply a lookup table from two video inputs. TS. lut3d V->V Adjust colors using a 3D LUT. T.. lutrgb V->V Compute and apply a lookup table to the RGB input video. T.. lutyuv V->V Compute and apply a lookup table to the YUV input video. T.. maskedclamp VVV->V Clamp first stream with second stream and third stream. T.. maskedmerge VVV->V Merge first stream with second stream using third stream as mask. ... mcdeint V->V Apply motion compensating deinterlacing. ... mergeplanes N->V Merge planes. ... mestimate V->V Generate motion vectors. T.. metadata V->V Manipulate video frame metadata. ... minterpolate V->V Frame rate conversion using Motion Interpolation. ... mpdecimate V->V Remove near-duplicate frames. T.. negate V->V Negate input video. TS. nlmeans V->V Non-local means denoiser. T.. nnedi V->V Apply neural network edge directed interpolation intra-only deinterlacer. ... noformat V->V Force libavfilter not to use any of the specified pixel formats for the input to the next filter. TS. noise V->V Add noise. ... null V->V Pass the source unchanged to the output. T.C overlay VV->V Overlay a video source on top of the input. T.. owdenoise V->V Denoise using wavelets. ... pad V->V Pad the input video. ... palettegen V->V Find the optimal palette for a given stream. ... paletteuse VV->V Use a palette to downsample an input video stream. ... perms V->V Set permissions for the output video frame. TS. perspective V->V Correct the perspective of video. T.. phase V->V Phase shift fields. ... pixdesctest V->V Test pixel format definitions. T.C pp V->V Filter video using libpostproc. T.. pp7 V->V Apply Postprocessing 7 filter. T.. premultiply VV->V PreMultiply first stream with first plane of second stream. TS. prewitt V->V Apply prewitt operator. ... psnr VV->V Calculate the PSNR between two video streams. ... pullup V->V Pullup from field sequence to frames. T.. qp V->V Change video quantization parameters. ... random V->V Return random frames. T.. readeia608 V->V Read EIA-608 Closed Caption codes from input video and write them to frame metadata. ... readvitc V->V Read vertical interval timecode and write it to frame metadata. ... realtime V->V Slow down filtering to match realtime. T.. remap VVV->V Remap pixels. TS. removegrain V->V Remove grain. T.. removelogo V->V Remove a TV logo based on a mask image. ... repeatfields V->V Hard repeat fields based on MPEG repeat field flag. ... reverse V->V Reverse a clip. TSC rotate V->V Rotate the input image. T.. sab V->V Apply shape adaptive blur. ..C scale V->V Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format. ..C scale2ref VV->VV Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format to the given reference. ... select V->N Select video frames to pass in output. TS. selectivecolor V->V Apply CMYK adjustments to specific color ranges. ... sendcmd V->V Send commands to filters. ... separatefields V->V Split input video frames into fields. ... setdar V->V Set the frame display aspect ratio. ... setfield V->V Force field for the output video frame. ... setpts V->V Set PTS for the output video frame. ... setsar V->V Set the pixel sample aspect ratio. ... settb V->V Set timebase for the video output link. ... showinfo V->V Show textual information for each video frame. T.. showpalette V->V Display frame palette. T.. shuffleframes V->V Shuffle video frames. ... shuffleplanes V->V Shuffle video planes. T.. sidedata V->V Manipulate video frame side data. .S. signalstats V->V Generate statistics from video analysis. T.. smartblur V->V Blur the input video without impacting the outlines. TS. sobel V->V Apply sobel operator. ... split V->N Pass on the input to N video outputs. T.C spp V->V Apply a simple post processing filter. ... ssim VV->V Calculate the SSIM between two video streams. .S. stereo3d V->V Convert video stereoscopic 3D view. ..C streamselect N->N Select video streams ... subtitles V->V Render text subtitles onto input video using the libass library. ... super2xsai V->V Scale the input by 2x using the Super2xSaI pixel art algorithm. T.. swaprect V->V Swap 2 rectangular objects in video. T.. swapuv V->V Swap U and V components. .S. tblend V->V Blend successive frames. ... telecine V->V Apply a telecine pattern. T.. threshold VVVV->V Threshold first video stream using other video streams. ... thumbnail V->V Select the most representative frame in a given sequence of consecutive frames. ... tile V->V Tile several successive frames together. ... tinterlace V->V Perform temporal field interlacing. .S. transpose V->V Transpose input video. ... trim V->V Pick one continuous section from the input, drop the rest. T.. unsharp V->V Sharpen or blur the input video. T.. uspp V->V Apply Ultra Simple / Slow Post-processing filter. T.. vaguedenoiser V->V Apply a Wavelet based Denoiser. ... vectorscope V->V Video vectorscope. T.. vflip V->V Flip the input video vertically. T.. vignette V->V Make or reverse a vignette effect. ... vstack N->V Stack video inputs vertically. TS. w3fdif V->V Apply Martin Weston three field deinterlace. ... waveform V->V Video waveform monitor. ... weave V->V Weave input video fields into frames. .S. xbr V->V Scale the input using xBR algorithm. TS. yadif V->V Deinterlace the input image. T.. zoompan V->V Apply Zoom & Pan effect. ... allrgb |->V Generate all RGB colors. ... allyuv |->V Generate all yuv colors. ... cellauto |->V Create pattern generated by an elementary cellular automaton. ..C color |->V Provide an uniformly colored input. ... haldclutsrc |->V Provide an identity Hald CLUT. ... life |->V Create life. ... mandelbrot |->V Render a Mandelbrot fractal. ... mptestsrc |->V Generate various test pattern. ... nullsrc |->V Null video source, return unprocessed video frames. ... rgbtestsrc |->V Generate RGB test pattern. ... smptebars |->V Generate SMPTE color bars. ... smptehdbars |->V Generate SMPTE HD color bars. ... testsrc |->V Generate test pattern. ... testsrc2 |->V Generate another test pattern. ... yuvtestsrc |->V Generate YUV test pattern. ... nullsink V->| Do absolutely nothing with the input video. ... abitscope A->V Convert input audio to audio bit scope video output. ... adrawgraph A->V Draw a graph using input audio metadata. ... ahistogram A->V Convert input audio to histogram video output. ... aphasemeter A->N Convert input audio to phase meter video output. ... avectorscope A->V Convert input audio to vectorscope video output. ... concat N->N Concatenate audio and video streams. ... showcqt A->V Convert input audio to a CQT (Constant/Clamped Q Transform) spectrum video output. ... showfreqs A->V Convert input audio to a frequencies video output. .S. showspectrum A->V Convert input audio to a spectrum video output. .S. showspectrumpic A->V Convert input audio to a spectrum video output single picture. ... showvolume A->V Convert input audio volume to video output. ... showwaves A->V Convert input audio to a video output. ... showwavespic A->V Convert input audio to a video output single picture. ... spectrumsynth VV->A Convert input spectrum videos to audio output. ..C amovie |->N Read audio from a movie source. ..C movie |->N Read from a movie source. ... abuffer |->A Buffer audio frames, and make them accessible to the filterchain. ... buffer |->V Buffer video frames, and make them accessible to the filterchain. ... abuffersink A->| Buffer audio frames, and make them available to the end of the filter graph. ... buffersink V->| Buffer video frames, and make them available to the end of the filter graph. ... afifo A->A Buffer input frames and send them when they are requested. ... fifo V->V Buffer input images and send them when they are requested.
A little Docker and Porting info
If using ffmpeg to port some of this info may be usfull.
What is using port 80? netstat -an | grep ":80" List ports in a Docker container sudo iptables -t nat -L -n enter a docker with bash terminal were container name is, fervent_babbage docker exec -t -i herval/deepdream /bin/bash Stop or dismount a container where 89f15c69b952 is the container id docker stop 89f15c69b952Making Zoom Script for DeepDream
----- the file #!/bin/bash inotifywait -m /home/jack/git/clouddream/deepdream/outputs -e create -e moved_to | while read path action file; do echo "The file '$file' appeared in directory '$path' via '$action'" cp /home/jack/git/clouddream/deepdream/outputs/$file ~/Desktop/cycler/ sleep 15 cp *.jpg /home/jack/Desktop/cycler/store/perm sleep 5 DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M") mv *.jpg $DATE.jpg sleep 5 sleep 15 mogrify -crop 620x620+40+40 *.jpg sleep 15 mogrify -resize 700x700 *.jpg sleep 15 cp *.jpg /home/jack/git/clouddream/deepdream/inputs/ mv *.jpg /home/jack/Desktop/cycler/store/perm/ done #---------end----References:
Usage melt [options] [producer [name=value]* ]+ Options: -attach filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to the output -attach-cut filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a cut -attach-track filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a track -attach-clip filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a producer -audio-track | -hide-video Add an audio-only track -blank frames Add blank silence to a track -consumer id[:arg] [name=value]* Set the consumer (sink) -debug Set the logging level to debug -filter filter[:arg] [name=value]* Add a filter to the current track -group [name=value]* Apply properties repeatedly -help Show this message -jack Enable JACK transport synchronization -join clips Join multiple clips into one cut -mix length Add a mix between the last two cuts -mixer transition Add a transition to the mix -null-track | -hide-track Add a hidden track -profile name Set the processing settings -progress Display progress along with the position -remove Remove the most recent cut -repeat times Repeat the last cut -query List all of the registered services -query "consumers" | "consumer"=id List consumers or show info about one -query "filters" | "filter"=id List filters or show info about one -query "producers" | "producer"=id List producers or show info about one -query "transitions" | "transition"=id List transitions or show info about one -query "profiles" | "profile"=id List profiles or show info about one -query "presets" | "preset"=id List presets or show info about one -query "formats" List audio/video formats -query "audio_codecs" List audio codecs -query "video_codecs" List video codecs -serialise [filename] Write the commands to a text file -silent Do not display position/transport help -split relative-frame Split the last cut into two cuts -swap Rearrange the last two cuts -track Add a track -transition id[:arg] [name=value]* Add a transition -verbose Set the logging level to verbose -version Show the version and copyright message -video-track | -hide-audio Add a video-only track General Rules Order is incredibly important; Error checking on command line parsing is weak; Please refer to the plugins documentation for details on services available; The MLT framework, from which melt has inherited its naming convention, is very MLT-centric. Producers produce MLT frame objects and consumers consume MLT frame objects. The distinction is important - a DV producer does not produce DV, it produces MLT frames from a DV source, and similarly a DV consumer does not consume DV, it consumes MLT frames and produces DV frames. Terminology ‘Producers’ typically refer to files but may also indicate devices (such as dv1394 input or video4linux). Hence, the more generic term is used [the more generic usage is out of scope for now…]. ‘Filters’ are frame modifiers - they always guarantee that for every frame they receive, they output precisely one frame. Never more, never less, ever. Nothing says that a filter cannot generate frames though. ‘Transitions’ collect frames from two tracks (a and b) and output 1 modified frame on their ‘a track’, and 1 unmodified frame on their ‘b track’. Never more, never less, ever. ‘Consumers’ collect frames from a producer, do something with them and destroy them. Collectively, these are known as ‘services’. All services have ‘properties’ associated to them. These are typically defaulted or evaluated and may be overriden on a case by case basis. All services except consumers obey in and out properties. Consumers have no say in the flow of frames (though they may give the illusion that they do). They get frames from a connected producer, use them, destroy them and get more. Basics To play a file with the default SDL PAL consumer, usage is: melt file Note that ‘file’ can be anything that melt has a known ‘producer’ mapping for (so this can be anything from .dv to .txt). You can also specify the producer directly, for example: melt avformat:file.mpeg would force the direct use of avformat for loading the file. Properties Properties can be assigned to the producer by adding additional name=value pairs after the producer: melt file in=50 out=100 something="something else" Note that while some properties have meaning to all producers (for example: in, out and length are guaranteed to be valid for all, though typically, length is determined automatically), the validity of others are dependent on the producer - however, properties will always be assigned and silently ignored if they won’t be used. Multiple Files Multiple files of different types can be used: melt a.dv b.mpg c.png Properties can be assigned to each file: melt a.dv in=50 out=100 b.mpg out=500 c.png out=500 MLT will take care of normalizing the output of a producer to ensure that the consumer gets what it needs. So, in the case above, the mlt framework will ensure that images are rescaled and audio resampled to meet the requirements of your configuration (which, by default, will be PAL). Consumers Consumers are the components that process the generated frames. If no consumer is specified, then the “sdl” consumer is used, which displays the resulting video in a simple playback window. $ melt -query consumers --- consumers: - blipflash - jack - qglsl - multi - null - gtk2_preview - cbrts - xgl - decklink - sdl - sdl_audio - sdl_preview - sdl_still - avformat - rtaudio - sdi - xml ... To output a file from the melt command, choose a generic encoder like “avformat”. The following flags create an encoded video file for the results of a melt command. -consumer avformat:output.avi acodec=libmp3lame vcodec=libx264 Filters Filters are frame modifiers - they can change the contents of the audio or the images associated to a frame. melt a.dv -filter greyscale As with producers, properties may be specified on filters too. Again, in and out properties are common to all, so to apply a filter to a range of frames, you would use something like: melt a.dv -filter greyscale in=0 out=50 Filters have their own set of rules about properties and will silently ignore properties that do not apply. Groups The -group switch is provided to force default properties on the following ‘services’. For example: melt -group in=0 out=49 clip* would play the first 50 frames of all clips that match the wild card pattern. Note that the last -group settings also apply to the following filters, transitions and consumers, so: melt -group in=0 out=49 clip* -filter greyscale is probably not what you want (ie: the greyscale filter would only be applied to the first 50 frames). To shed the group properties, you can use any empty group: melt -group in=0 out=49 clip* -group -filter greyscale Attached Filters As described above, the -filter switch applies filters to an entire track. To localise filters to a specific clip on a track, you have to know information about the lengths of the clip and all clips leading up to it. In practise, this is horrifically impractical, especially at a command line level (and not even that practical from a programing point of view…). The -attach family of switches simplify things enormously. By default, -attach will attach a filter to the last service created, so: melt clip1.dv clip2.dv -attach greyscale clip3.dv would only apply the filter to clip2.dv. You can further narrow down the area of the effect by specifying in/out points on the attached filter. This might seem simple so far, but there is a catch… consider the following: melt clip1.dv -attach watermark:+hello.txt -attach invert The second attached filter is actually attached to the watermark. You might think, yay, nice (and it is :-)), but, it might not be what you want. For example you might want to attach both to clip1.dv. To do that, you can use: melt clip1.dv -attach-cut watermark:+hello.txt -attach-cut invert As you shall see below, there are still another couple of gotchas associated to -attach, and even another variant :-). Mixes The -mix switch provides the simplest means to introduce transitions between adjacent clips. For example: melt clip1.dv clip2.dv -mix 25 -mixer luma -mixer mix:-1 would provide both an audio and video transition between clip1 and clip2. This functionality supercedes the enforced use of the -track and -transition switches from earlier versions of melt and makes life a lot easier :-). These can be used in combination, so you can for example do a fade from black and to black using the following: melt colour:black out=24 clip1.dv -mix 25 -mixer luma colour:black out=24 -mix 25 -mixer luma While this may not be immediately obvious, consider what’s happening as the command line is being parsed from left to right: Input: Track ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- colour:black out=24 [black] clip1.dv [black][clip1.dv] -mix 25 [black+clip1.dv][clip1.dv] -mixer luma [luma:black+clip1.dv][clip1.dv] colour:black out=24 [luma:black+clip1.dv][clip1.dv][black] -mix 25 [luma:black+clip1.dv][clip1.dv][clip1.dv+black] -mixer luma [luma:black+clip1.dv][clip1.dv][luma:clip1.dv+black] Obviously, the clip1.dv instances refer to different parts of the clip, but hopefully that will demonstrate what happens as we construct the track. You will find more details on the mix in Documentation > Framework. Mix and Attach As noted, -attach normally applies to the last created service - so, you can attach a filter to the transition region using: melt clip1.dv clip2.dv -mix 25 -mixer luma -attach watermark:+Transition.txt Again, nice, but take care - if you want the attached filter to be associated to the region following the transition, use -attach-cut instead. Introducing Tracks and Blanks So far, all of the examples have shown the definition of a single playlist, or more accurately, track. When multiple tracks exist, the consumer will receive a frame from the ‘highest numbered’ track that is generating a non-blank frame. It is best to visualise a track arrangement, so we’ll start with an example: melt a.dv -track b.dv in=0 out=49 This can be visualised as follows: +------------------+ |a | +-------+----------+ |b | +-------+ Playout will show the first 50 frames of b and the 51st frame shown will be the 51st frame of a. This rule also applies to audio only producers on the second track, for example, the following would show the video from the a track, but the audio would come from the second track: melt a.dv -track b.mp3 in=0 out=49 To have the 51st frame be the first frame of b, we can use the -blank switch: melt a.dv out=49 -track -blank 49 b.dv Which we can visualise as: +-------+ |a | +-------+-------------------+ |b | +-------------------+ Now playout will continue as though a and b clips are on the same track (which on its own, is about as useful as reversing the process of slicing bread). Transitions Where tracks become useful is in the placing of transitions. Here we need tracks to overlap, so a useful multitrack definition could be given as: melt a.dv out=49 \ -track \ -blank 24 b.dv \ -transition luma in=25 out=49 a_track=0 b_track=1 Now we’re cooking - our visualization would be something like: +-------+ |a | +---+---+--------------+ |b | +------------------+ Playout will now show the first 25 frames of a and then a fade transition for 25 frames between a and b, and will finally playout the remainder of b. Reversing a Transition When we visualise a track definition, we also see situations like: +-------+ +----------+ |a1 | |a2 | +---+---+--------------+----+-----+ |b | +-----------------------+ We have two transitions, a1 to b and b to a2. In this scenario, we define a command line as follows: melt a.dv out=49 -blank 49 a2.dv \ -track \ -blank 24 b.dv out=99 \ -transition luma in=25 out=49 a_track=0 b_track=1 \ -transition luma in=100 out=124 reverse=1 a_track=0 b_track=1 Serialization Melt has a built in serialization mechanism - you can build up your command, test it via any consumer and then add a -serialise file.melt switch to save it. The saved file can be subsequently used as a clip by melt or other MLT applications. Take care though - paths to files are saved as provided on the command line…. A more expressive serialization can be obtained with the xml consumer - this will provide an xml document which can be used freely in melt and other MLT applications. See MLT XML for more information. Missing Features Some filters/transitions should be applied on the output frame regardless of which track it comes from - for example, you might have a 3rd text track or a watermark which you want composited on every frame, and of course, there’s the obscure filter…. Melt only supports this in two invocations - as a simple example: melt a.dv -track -blank 100 b.dv -consumer xml:basic.mlt melt basic.mlt -filter watermark:watermark.png --- consumers: - blipflash - gtk2_preview - sdi - avformat - cbrts - sdl - sdl_audio - sdl_preview - sdl_still - decklink - qglsl - jack - multi - null - xml ... --- filters: - videostab - videostab2 - chroma - chroma_hold - threshold - shape - affine - charcoal - dynamictext - invert - lift_gamma_gain - loudness - lumakey - rgblut - sepia - deinterlace - avcolour_space - avcolor_space - avdeinterlace - avresample - swscale - oldfilm - dust - lines - grain - tcolor - vignette - BurningTV - burningtv - lumaliftgaingamma - rotoscoping - telecide - frei0r.3dflippo - frei0r.B - frei0r.G - frei0r.IIRblur - frei0r.R - frei0r.alpha0ps - frei0r.alphagrad - frei0r.alphaspot - frei0r.balanc0r - frei0r.baltan - frei0r.bluescreen0r - frei0r.brightness - frei0r.bw0r - frei0r.c0rners - frei0r.cairogradient - frei0r.cairoimagegrid - frei0r.cartoon - frei0r.cluster - frei0r.colgate - frei0r.coloradj_RGB - frei0r.colordistance - frei0r.colorhalftone - frei0r.colorize - frei0r.colortap - frei0r.contrast0r - frei0r.curves - frei0r.d90stairsteppingfix - frei0r.defish0r - frei0r.delay0r - frei0r.delaygrab - frei0r.distort0r - frei0r.dither - frei0r.edgeglow - frei0r.emboss - frei0r.equaliz0r - frei0r.facebl0r - frei0r.facedetect - frei0r.flippo - frei0r.gamma - frei0r.glow - frei0r.hqdn3d - frei0r.hueshift0r - frei0r.invert0r - frei0r.keyspillm0pup - frei0r.lenscorrection - frei0r.letterb0xed - frei0r.levels - frei0r.lightgraffiti - frei0r.luminance - frei0r.mask0mate - frei0r.medians - frei0r.nervous - frei0r.nosync0r - frei0r.pixeliz0r - frei0r.posterize - frei0r.pr0be - frei0r.pr0file - frei0r.primaries - frei0r.rgbnoise - frei0r.rgbparade - frei0r.saturat0r - frei0r.scale0tilt - frei0r.scanline0r - frei0r.select0r - frei0r.sharpness - frei0r.sigmoidaltransfer - frei0r.sobel - frei0r.softglow - frei0r.sopsat - frei0r.spillsupress - frei0r.squareblur - frei0r.tehroxx0r - frei0r.three_point_balance - frei0r.threelay0r - frei0r.threshold0r - frei0r.timeout - frei0r.tint0r - frei0r.transparency - frei0r.twolay0r - frei0r.vectorscope - frei0r.vertigo - frei0r.vignette - sox - sox.allpass - sox.band - sox.bandpass - sox.bandreject - sox.bass - sox.bend - sox.biquad - sox.chorus - sox.channels - sox.compand - sox.contrast - sox.dcshift - sox.deemph - sox.delay - sox.dither - sox.divide - sox.downsample - sox.earwax - sox.echo - sox.echos - sox.equalizer - sox.fade - sox.fir - sox.firfit - sox.flanger - sox.gain - sox.highpass - sox.hilbert - sox.ladspa - sox.loudness - sox.lowpass - sox.mcompand - sox.noiseprof - sox.noisered - sox.norm - sox.oops - sox.overdrive - sox.pad - sox.phaser - sox.pitch - sox.rate - sox.remix - sox.repeat - sox.reverb - sox.reverse - sox.riaa - sox.silence - sox.sinc - sox.spectrogram - sox.speed - sox.splice - sox.stat - sox.stats - sox.stretch - sox.swap - sox.synth - sox.tempo - sox.treble - sox.tremolo - sox.trim - sox.upsample - sox.vad - sox.vol - audiolevel - volume - audiowaveform - boxblur - freeze - wave - ladspa.1218 - ladspa.1407 - ladspa.1897 - ladspa.1896 - ladspa.1895 - ladspa.1433 - ladspa.1914 - ladspa.1186 - ladspa.1219 - ladspa.1408 - ladspa.1431 - ladspa.1432 - ladspa.1430 - ladspa.1888 - ladspa.1887 - ladspa.1889 - ladspa.1190 - ladspa.1411 - ladspa.1909 - ladspa.1915 - ladspa.1917 - ladspa.1404 - ladspa.1207 - ladspa.1202 - ladspa.1195 - ladspa.1402 - ladspa.1185 - ladspa.1901 - ladspa.1907 - ladspa.1438 - ladspa.1403 - ladspa.1886 - ladspa.1913 - ladspa.1196 - ladspa.1191 - ladspa.1415 - ladspa.1213 - ladspa.1192 - ladspa.1418 - ladspa.1410 - ladspa.1437 - ladspa.1893 - ladspa.1892 - ladspa.1904 - ladspa.1903 - ladspa.1902 - ladspa.1890 - ladspa.1891 - ladspa.1439 - ladspa.1424 - ladspa.1215 - ladspa.1216 - ladspa.1413 - ladspa.1220 - ladspa.1200 - ladspa.1194 - ladspa.1440 - ladspa.1199 - ladspa.1429 - ladspa.1409 - ladspa.1436 - ladspa.1217 - ladspa.1908 - ladspa.1894 - ladspa.1422 - ladspa.1421 - ladspa.1420 - ladspa.1419 - ladspa.1406 - ladspa.1197 - ladspa.1201 - ladspa.1193 - ladspa.1423 - ladspa.1910 - ladspa.1417 - ladspa.1208 - ladspa.1605 - ladspa.1189 - ladspa.1188 - ladspa.1425 - ladspa.1426 - ladspa.1427 - ladspa.1882 - ladspa.1916 - ladspa.1883 - ladspa.1210 - ladspa.1181 - ladspa.1900 - ladspa.1899 - ladspa.1898 - ladspa.1203 - ladspa.1198 - ladspa.1414 - ladspa.1214 - ladspa.1212 - ladspa.1401 - ladspa.1211 - ladspa.1206 - ladspa.1204 - ladspa.1405 - ladspa.1209 - ladspa.1905 - ladspa.1187 - ladspa.1412 - ladspa.1428 - jackrack - ladspa - audiochannels - audioconvert - audiomap - audiowave - brightness - channelcopy - channelswap - crop - data_feed - data_show - gamma - greyscale - grayscale - imageconvert - luma - mirror - mono - obscure - panner - region - transition - watermark - motion_est - vismv - crop_detect - autotrack_rectangle ... --- producers: - pgm - blipflash - count - pango - pixbuf - avformat - avformat-novalidate - frei0r.ising0r - frei0r.lissajous0r - frei0r.nois0r - frei0r.onecol0r - frei0r.partik0l - frei0r.plasma - frei0r.test_pat_B - frei0r.test_pat_C - frei0r.test_pat_G - frei0r.test_pat_I - frei0r.test_pat_L - frei0r.test_pat_R - decklink - qimage - qtext - kdenlivetitle - framebuffer - ladspa.1416 - ladspa.1885 - ladspa.1881 - abnormal - color - colour - consumer - hold - melt - melt_file - noise - tone - xml - xml-string - xml-nogl - slowmotion ... --- transitions: - affine - frei0r.addition - frei0r.addition_alpha - frei0r.alphaatop - frei0r.alphain - frei0r.alphainjection - frei0r.alphaout - frei0r.alphaover - frei0r.alphaxor - frei0r.blend - frei0r.burn - frei0r.cairoaffineblend - frei0r.cairoblend - frei0r.color_only - frei0r.composition - frei0r.darken - frei0r.difference - frei0r.divide - frei0r.dodge - frei0r.grain_extract - frei0r.grain_merge - frei0r.hardlight - frei0r.hue - frei0r.lighten - frei0r.multiply - frei0r.overlay - frei0r.saturation - frei0r.screen - frei0r.softlight - frei0r.subtract - frei0r.uvmap - frei0r.value - frei0r.xfade0r - vqm - composite - luma - mix - matte - region ... # You can query the metadata for a specific service using: # -query= # where is one of: consumer, filter, producer, or transition. Docker Stuff
-- NO docker exec -it e5777562c7a1 bash Error response from daemon: Container e5777562c7a1a5301a1d486b8559bd6098d51142d198964162787f288db4395e is not running --- WORKED: docker run -t -i 5e373d931ec8 bash docker cp [OPTIONS] CONTAINER:SRC_PATH DEST_PATH|- docker cp [OPTIONS] SRC_PATH|- CONTAINER:DEST_PATH docker cp 3f53165cdcf1:/home/jack/git/clouddream/googlenet_places205 /opt/caffe/|- docker cp [OPTIONS] SRC_PATH|- CONTAINER:DEST_PATH sudo docker cp 3f53165cdcf1:/home/jack/git/clouddream/googlenet_places205/* /opt/caffe/models/googlene_places205 docker tag 7d9495d03763 maryatdocker/docker-whale:latest docker tag 0d23962c9cb6 jacknorthrup/deepdream:latest docker push jacknorthrup/deepdream inception_3a: mostly geometric patterns inception_3b: still just patterns inception_4a: eyes and some dogs inception_4b: lots of dog faces inception_4c: starting to get more into cars and buildings inception_4d: more of a menagerie inception_4e: lots of different animals; birds, snakes, monkeys, and so on enter a snapshot : docker run -t -i mysnapshot /bin/bashBash Stuff
BASH STUFF docker build -t jack_linux .CAPTURE VIDEO
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -list_formats all -i /dev/video0 ffmpeg version 2.7.2-static http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/ Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 4.9.3 (Debian 4.9.3-1) configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --disable-shared --disable-debug --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libwebp --enable-libspeex --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libfreetype --enable-fontconfig --enable-libxvid --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libtheora --enable-libvo-aacenc --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-gray --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libass --enable-gnutls --enable-libvidstab --enable-libsoxr --cc=gcc-4.9 libavutil 54. 27.100 / 54. 27.100 libavcodec 56. 41.100 / 56. 41.100 libavformat 56. 36.100 / 56. 36.100 libavdevice 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100 libavfilter 5. 16.101 / 5. 16.101 libswscale 3. 1.101 / 3. 1.101 libswresample 1. 2.100 / 1. 2.100 libpostproc 53. 3.100 / 53. 3.100 [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x46ba2c0] Raw : yuyv422 : YUYV 4:2:2 : 640x480 1280x720 960x544 800x448 640x360 424x240 352x288 320x240 800x600 176x144 160x120 1280x800 [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x46ba2c0] Compressed: mjpeg : Motion-JPEG : 640x480 1280x720 960x544 800x448 640x360 800x600 416x240 352x288 176x144 320x240 160x120 /dev/video0: Immediate exit requested (base) jack@jack-desktop:~/Desktop/Ubuntu16.04/deep-dream-generator$ cd ~/Desktop (base) jack@jack-desktop:~/Desktop$ ffmpeg -f v4l2 -framerate 25 -video_size 640x480 -i /dev/video0 output.mkv ffmpeg version 2.7.2-static http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/ Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 4.9.3 (Debian 4.9.3-1) configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --disable-shared --disable-debug --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libwebp --enable-libspeex --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libfreetype --enable-fontconfig --enable-libxvid --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libtheora --enable-libvo-aacenc --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-gray --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libass --enable-gnutls --enable-libvidstab --enable-libsoxr --cc=gcc-4.9 libavutil 54. 27.100 / 54. 27.100 libavcodec 56. 41.100 / 56. 41.100 libavformat 56. 36.100 / 56. 36.100 libavdevice 56. 4.100 / 56. 4.100 libavfilter 5. 16.101 / 5. 16.101 libswscale 3. 1.101 / 3. 1.101 libswresample 1. 2.100 / 1. 2.100 libpostproc 53. 3.100 / 53. 3.100 [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x3bf6380] The driver changed the time per frame from 1/25 to 1/30 Input #0, video4linux2,v4l2, from '/dev/video0': Duration: N/A, start: 3715.313400, bitrate: 147456 kb/s Stream #0:0: Video: rawvideo (YUY2 / 0x32595559), yuyv422, 640x480, 147456 kb/s, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 1000k tbn, 1000k tbc No pixel format specified, yuv422p for H.264 encoding chosen. Use -pix_fmt yuv420p for compatibility with outdated media players. [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast LZCNT [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] profile High 4:2:2, level 3.0, 4:2:2 8-bit [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] 264 - core 146 r109 121396c - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec - Copyleft 2003-2015 - http://www.videolan.org/x264.html - options: cabac=1 ref=3 deblock=1:0:0 analyse=0x3:0x113 me=hex subme=7 psy=1 psy_rd=1.00:0.00 mixed_ref=1 me_range=16 chroma_me=1 trellis=1 8x8dct=1 cqm=0 deadzone=21,11 fast_pskip=1 chroma_qp_offset=-2 threads=3 lookahead_threads=1 sliced_threads=0 nr=0 decimate=1 interlaced=0 bluray_compat=0 constrained_intra=0 bframes=3 b_pyramid=2 b_adapt=1 b_bias=0 direct=1 weightb=1 open_gop=0 weightp=2 keyint=250 keyint_min=25 scenecut=40 intra_refresh=0 rc_lookahead=40 rc=crf mbtree=1 crf=23.0 qcomp=0.60 qpmin=0 qpmax=69 qpstep=4 ip_ratio=1.40 aq=1:1.00 Output #0, matroska, to 'output.mkv': Metadata: encoder : Lavf56.36.100 Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (libx264) (H264 / 0x34363248), yuv422p, 640x480, q=-1--1, 30 fps, 1k tbn, 30 tbc Metadata: encoder : Lavc56.41.100 libx264 Stream mapping: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (rawvideo (native) -> h264 (libx264)) Press [q] to stop, [?] for help frame= 520 fps= 28 q=-1.0 Lsize= 2559kB time=00:00:17.30 bitrate=1211.9kbits/s video:2555kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.168787% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] frame I:3 Avg QP:22.25 size: 26002 [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] frame P:253 Avg QP:24.90 size: 7792 [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] frame B:264 Avg QP:26.35 size: 2145 [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] consecutive B-frames: 1.0% 91.9% 6.3% 0.8% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] mb I I16..4: 11.6% 76.4% 12.0% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] mb P I16..4: 1.4% 1.6% 0.0% P16..4: 64.2% 16.2% 13.8% 0.0% 0.0% skip: 2.8% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] mb B I16..4: 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% B16..8: 26.7% 0.5% 0.1% direct:19.1% skip:53.5% L0:35.8% L1:59.0% BI: 5.2% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] 8x8 transform intra:58.3% inter:86.7% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 38.1% 99.6% 89.4% inter: 13.3% 66.5% 15.8% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] i16 v,h,dc,p: 36% 8% 5% 51% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] i8 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 26% 8% 20% 6% 8% 10% 5% 10% 6% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 23% 12% 13% 11% 9% 8% 7% 9% 9% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] i8c dc,h,v,p: 58% 6% 19% 17% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] Weighted P-Frames: Y:2.4% UV:2.4% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] ref P L0: 55.4% 14.5% 20.3% 9.6% 0.1% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] ref B L0: 71.5% 28.0% 0.5% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] ref B L1: 98.8% 1.2% [libx264 @ 0x3bf9380] kb/s:1204.89 Received signal 2: terminating. (base) jack@jack-desktop:~/Desktop$Adjust Camera
/Desktop$ v4l2-ctl -L brightness 0x00980900 (int) : min=30 max=255 step=1 default=133 value=133 contrast 0x00980901 (int) : min=0 max=10 step=1 default=5 value=5 saturation 0x00980902 (int) : min=0 max=200 step=1 default=83 value=83 white_balance_temperature_auto 0x0098090c (bool) : default=1 value=1 power_line_frequency 0x00980918 (menu) : min=0 max=2 default=2 value=2 0: Disabled 1: 50 Hz 2: 60 Hz white_balance_temperature 0x0098091a (int) : min=2800 max=10000 step=1 default=4500 value=4500 flags=inactive sharpness 0x0098091b (int) : min=0 max=50 step=1 default=25 value=25 backlight_compensation 0x0098091c (int) : min=0 max=10 step=1 default=0 value=0 exposure_auto 0x009a0901 (menu) : min=0 max=3 default=1 value=3 1: Manual Mode 3: Aperture Priority Mode exposure_absolute 0x009a0902 (int) : min=5 max=20000 step=1 default=156 value=156 flags=inactive pan_absolute 0x009a0908 (int) : min=-201600 max=201600 step=3600 default=0 value=0 tilt_absolute 0x009a0909 (int) : min=-201600 max=201600 step=3600 default=0 value=0 focus_absolute 0x009a090a (int) : min=0 max=40 step=1 default=0 value=15 flags=inactive focus_auto 0x009a090c (bool) : default=0 value=1 zoom_absolute 0x009a090d (int) : min=0 max=10 step=1 default=0 value=0Setting New Webcam Parameters
v4l2-ctl -c < option >=< value >Batch Conversions
for f in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -i "$f" < additional options > "encoded/${f%.*}.mp4"; done for i in *.mp4; do name=`echo "${i%.*}"`; echo $name; ffmpeg -i "$i" -vf "scale='if(gt(a*sar,16/9),640,-1)':'if(gt(a*sar,16/9),-1,360)',pad=640:360:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2,setsar=1" -vcodec libx264 -b:v 1600k -bufsize:v 1600k -r 30000/1001 "encoded/$name.mp4" done for f in *.avi; do ffmpeg -i "$f" "${f%.*}.mp4"; done #!/bin/bash # filename BatchCon.sh # USAGE: BatchCon.sh mkv mp4 old_extension=$1 new_extension=$2 for i in *."$old_extension"; do ffmpeg -i "$i" "${i%.*}.$new_extension"; doneFind Audio
arecord -l **** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices **** card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1 Analog] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 2: ALC662 rev1 Alt Analog [ALC662 rev1 Alt Analog] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 1: H340 [Logitech USB Headset H340], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 2: CinemaTM [Microsoft® LifeCam Cinema(TM)], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0ffmpeg -f alsa -r 16000 -i hw:2,0 -f video4linux2 -s 800x600 -i /dev/video0 -r 30 -f avi -vcodec mpeg4 -vtag xvid -sameq -acodec libmp3lame -ab 96k output.avi
mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=400:height=300 -vo xv -geometry 100%:100% -noborder contrast: pressing 1 and 2 allows you to decrease / increase the contrast. brightness: pressing 3 and 4 will adjust the brightness hue: pressing 5 and 6 will adjust the hue saturation: pressing 7 and 8 will adjust the image saturation always on top: pressing T will keep the video window always on top of the other windows.The typical syntax of the FFmpeg command is: ffmpeg [global_options] {[input_file_options] -i input_url} ... {[output_file_options] output_url} ... To display your media details: $ ffmpeg -i video.mp4 If you don’t want to see the FFmpeg banner and other details use -hide_banner flag like below. $ ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -hide_banner Convert mp4 file to avi file, run: $ ffmpeg -i video.mp4 video.avi Convert media files to any format of your choice. $ ffmpeg -i video.flv video.mpeg If you want to preserve the quality of your source video file, use ‘-qscale 0’ parameter: $ ffmpeg -i input.webm -qscale 0 output.mp4 To check list of supported formats by FFmpeg, run: $ ffmpeg -formats 3. Converting video files to audio files Convert input.mp4 video file to output.mp3 audio file. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vn -ab 320 output.mp3 Also, you can use various audio transcoding options to the output file as shown below. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 320 -f mp3 output.mp3 -vn – Indicates that we have disabled video recording in the output file. -ar – Set the audio frequency of the output file. The common values used are 22050, 44100, 48000 Hz. -ac – Set the number of audio channels. -ab – Indicates the audio bitrate. -f – Output file format. In our case, it’s mp3 format. 4. Change resolution of video files $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v scale=1280:720 -c:a copy output.mp4 Set the resolution of the given video file to 1280×720. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 1280x720 -c:a copy output.mp4 Convert the above file to 640×480 size, run: $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v scale=640:480 -c:a copy output.mp4 $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 640x480 -c:a copy output.mp4 5. Compressing video files It is always better to reduce the media files size to lower size to save the harddisk’s space. The following command will compress and reduce the output file’s size. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=1280:-1 -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -crf 24 output.mp4 You will lose the quality if you try to reduce the video file size. You can lower that crf value to 23 or lower if 24 is too much. You can also transcode the audio down a bit and make it stereo to reduce the size by including the following options. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=1280:-1 -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -crf 24 -ac 2 -c:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 128k output.mp4 Recommended Download – Free Guide: “PLEX, a Manual: Your Media, With Style” 6. Compress audio files using -ab flag in order to save some disk space. An audio file of 320 kbps bitrate. You want to compress it by changing the bitrate to any lower value like below. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -ab 128 output.mp3 Various available audio bitrates are: 96kbps 112kbps 128kbps 160kbps 192kbps 256kbps 320kbps 7. If you don’t want audio in a video file, remove it with -an flag. The ‘an’ indicates no audio recording. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -an output.mp4 Here, ‘an’ indicates no audio recording. The above command will undo all audio related flags, because we don’t audio from the input.mp4. 8. Removing video stream from a media file,remove it with -vn flag. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vn output.mp3 You may change the output file’s bitrate using ‘-ab’ flag as shown in the following example. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vn -ab 320 output.mp3 9. Extracting images from the video $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -r 1 -f image2 image-%2d.png -r – Set the frame rate. I.e the number of frames to be extracted into images per second. The default value is 25. -f – Indicates the output format i.e image format in our case. image-%2d.png – Indicates how we want to name the extracted images. In this case, the names should start like image-01.png, image-02.png, image-03.png and so on. If you use %3d, then the name of images will start like image-001.png, image-002.png and so on. 10. Cropping videos $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -croptop 100 -cropbottom 100 -cropleft 300 -cropright 300 output.mp4 $ ffmpeg -i thefishcut01.mkv -ss 2 -filter:v "crop=380:380:300:215" Fish-cropped2.mp4 Note that cropping videos will affect the quality. Do not do this unless it is necessary. 11. Convert a specific portion of a video first 50 seconds of given video.mp4 file to video.avi format. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -t 50 output.avi The time here is seconds. It is possible to specify the time in hh.mm.ss format. 12. Set the aspect ratio to video You can set the aspect ration to a video file using -aspect flag like below. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -aspect 16:9 output.mp4 Common aspect ratios are: 16:9 4:3 16:10 5:4 2:21:1 2:35:1 2:39:1 13. Adding poster image to audio files $ ffmpeg -loop 1 -i inputimage.jpg -i inputaudio.mp3 -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 192k -shortest output.mp4 14. Trim a media file using start and stop times $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00:50 -codec copy -t 50 output.mp4 -s – Indicates the starting time of the video clip. In our example, starting time is the 50th second. -t – Indicates the total time duration. $ ffmpeg -i audio.mp3 -ss 00:01:54 -to 00:06:53 -c copy output.mp3 15. Split video files into multiple parts $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -t 00:00:30 -c copy part1.mp4 -ss 00:00:30 -codec copy part2.mp4 -t 00:00:30 indicates a part that is created from the start of the video to the 30th second of video. -ss 00:00:30 shows the starting time stamp for the video. It means that the 2nd part will start from the 30th second and will continue up to the end of the original video file. 16. Joining multiple video parts into one Create join.txt file that contains the exact paths of the files that you want to join. All files should be same format (same codec). The path name of all files should be mentioned one by one like below. /home/sk/myvideos/part1.mp4 /home/sk/myvideos/part2.mp4 /home/sk/myvideos/part3.mp4 /home/sk/myvideos/part4.mp4 Join all files using command: $ ffmpeg -f concat -i join.txt -c copy output.mp4 The above command will join part1.mp4, part2.mp4, part3.mp4, and part4,mp4 files into a single file called “output.mp4”. ----------------- Good for mixed codecs -------------------------- ffmpeg -i intro.mkv -i part2.mkv \ -filter_complex "[0:v:0][0:a:0][1:v:0][1:a:0]concat=n=2:v=1:a=1[outv][outa]" \ -map "[outv]" -map "[outa]" -t 30 bothoutput.mkv ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Add subtitles to a video file $ fmpeg -i input.mp4 -i subtitle.srt -map 0 -map 1 -c copy -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -preset veryfast output.mp4 18. Preview or test video or audio files $ ffplay video.mp4 $ ffplay audio.mp3 19. Increase/decrease video playback speed $ ffmpeg -i inputvideo.mp4 -vf "setpts=0.5*PTS" outputvideo.mp4 To decrease playback speed, run: $ ffmpeg -i inputvideo.mp4 -vf "setpts=4.0*PTS" outputvideo.mp4 $ man ffmpeg ----------------------- ffmpeg.exe -i "movie.mp4" -itsoffset 3.84 -i "movie.mp4" -map 1:v -map 0:a -c copy "movie-video-delayed.mp4" If you need to delay audio by 3.84 seconds, use a command like this: ffmpeg.exe -i "movie.mp4" -itsoffset 3.84 -i "movie.mp4" -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy "movie-audio-delayed.mp4" Make sure, that your ffmpeg build is not too old, newer than 2012 will suffice. Explanation -itsoffset 3.84 -i "movie.mp4" Offsets timestamps of all streams by 3.84 seconds in the input file that follows the option (movie.mp4). -map 1:v -map 0:a Takes video stream from the second (delayed) input and audio stream from the first input - both inputs may of course be the same file. A more verbose explanation can be found here: http://alien.slackbook.org/blog/fixing-audio-sync-with-ffmpeg/ ------------- ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i logo.png -filter_complex \ "overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2" \ -codec:a copy output.mp4 or with the shortened overlay options: overlay=(W-w)/2:(H-h)/2 Top left This is the easy one because the default, if you provide no options to overlay, is to place the image in the top left. This example adds 5 pixels of padding so the image is not touching the edges: overlay=5:5 Top right With 5 pixels of padding: overlay=main_w-overlay_w-5:5 or with the shortened options: overlay=W-w-5:5 Bottom right With 5 pixels of padding: overlay=main_w-overlay_w-5:main_h-overlay_h-5 or with the shortened options: overlay=W-w-5:H-h-5 Bottom left With 5 pixels of padding: overlay=5:main_h-overlay_h or with the shortened options: overlay=5:H-h-5 Notes The audio is simply stream copied (remuxed) in this example with -codec:a copy instead of being re-encoded. You may have to re-encode depending on your output container format. See the documentation on the overlay video filter for more information and examples. See the FFmpeg H.264 Video Encoding Guide for more information on getting a good quality output. If your image being overlaid is RGB colorspace (such as most PNG images) you may see a visual improvement if you add format=rbg to your overlay. Note that if you do this and if you're outputting H.264, then you will have to add format=yuv420p (this is another filer–it is different that the similarly named option in the overlay filter). So it may look like this: overlay=5:H-h-5:format=rgb,format=yuv420p ----------------------- The basic method to join videos without re-encoding is to use the concat demuxer. This device requires that the files being joined share certain properties, like codec, framerate, video dimensions, timebase..etc First step is to create the blank segment, which may be used both at the head and tail. ffmpeg -i fullvideo.mp4 -vf trim=0:3,geq=0:128:128 -af atrim=0:3,volume=0 -video_track_timescale 600 3sec.mp4 Have to do one bookkeeping step for the full video. If not done, the combined video will likely run at the wrong speed. ffmpeg -i fullvideo.mp4 -c copy -video_track_timescale 600 full600.mp4 Next, create a text file. file 3sec.mp4 file full600.mp4 file 3sec.mp4 Then run ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -c copy merged.mp4 --------------------------------------- For changing the background, you should look into the colorkey filter. From the docs, here's an example to "make every green pixel in the input image transparent": ffmpeg -i input.png -vf colorkey=green out.png -i input.mp4 -loop 1 -i 34232944.png -filter_complex " [0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0:enable='between(t,5,10)',fade=t=in:st=5:d=1, fade=t=out:st=10:d=1 '" -c:v libx264 -crf 23 output001.mp4 ffmpeg -i good.mp4 -loop 1 image0.png -filter_complex "[1:v]fade=t=in:st=34:d=1,fade=t=out:st=6:d=1[over];[0:v][over]overlay=0:0" -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -c:a copy output001.mp4-------- FFmpeg install info --------
jack@jack-desktop:~$ sudo ./install_ffmpeg.sh install prefix /home/jack/ffmpeg_build source path . C compiler gcc C library glibc ARCH x86 (generic) build suffix -ffmpeg version string suffix 0ubuntu0.16.04.1 big-endian no runtime cpu detection yes standalone assembly yes x86 assembler yasm MMX enabled yes MMXEXT enabled yes 3DNow! enabled yes 3DNow! extended enabled yes SSE enabled yes SSSE3 enabled yes AESNI enabled yes AVX enabled yes AVX2 enabled yes AVX-512 enabled yes XOP enabled yes FMA3 enabled yes FMA4 enabled yes i686 features enabled yes CMOV is fast yes EBX available yes EBP available yes debug symbols no strip symbols no optimize for size no optimizations yes static yes shared yes postprocessing support yes network support yes threading support pthreads safe bitstream reader yes texi2html enabled no perl enabled yes pod2man enabled yes makeinfo enabled yes makeinfo supports HTML yesExternal libraries:
alsa libfreetype libsnappy libwavpack libxvid avisynth libfribidi libsoxr libwebp libzimg bzlib libmp3lame libspeex libx264 lzma frei0r libopencore_amrnb libtesseract libx265 opengl iconv libopencore_amrwb libtheora libxcb sdl2 libass libopenjpeg libvo_amrwbenc libxcb_shape sndio libdc1394 libopus libvorbis libxcb_shm xlib libfontconfig libpulse libvpx libxcb_xfixes zlibExternal libraries providing hardware acceleration:
avcodec avfilter avresample postproc swscale avdevice avformat avutil swresample Programs:Enabled decoders:
aac atrac3p eightsvx_fib libvpx_vp8 pcm_f32le aac_fixed atrac3pal escape124 libvpx_vp9 pcm_f64be aac_latm atrac9 escape130 loco pcm_f64le aasc aura evrc m101 pcm_lxf ac3 aura2 exr mace3 pcm_mulaw ac3_fixed avrn ffv1 mace6 pcm_s16be adpcm_4xm avrp ffvhuff magicyuv pcm_s16be_planar adpcm_adx avs ffwavesynth mdec pcm_s16le adpcm_afc avui fic metasound pcm_s16le_planar adpcm_aica ayuv fits microdvd pcm_s24be adpcm_ct bethsoftvid flac mimic pcm_s24daud adpcm_dtk bfi flashsv mjpeg pcm_s24le adpcm_ea bink flashsv2 mjpegb pcm_s24le_planar adpcm_ea_maxis_xa binkaudio_dct flic mlp pcm_s32be adpcm_ea_r1 binkaudio_rdft flv mmvideo pcm_s32le adpcm_ea_r2 bintext fmvc motionpixels pcm_s32le_planar adpcm_ea_r3 bitpacked fourxm movtext pcm_s64be adpcm_ea_xas bmp fraps mp1 pcm_s64le adpcm_g722 bmv_audio frwu mp1float pcm_s8 adpcm_g726 bmv_video g2m mp2 pcm_s8_planar adpcm_g726le brender_pix g723_1 mp2float pcm_u16be adpcm_ima_amv c93 g729 mp3 pcm_u16le adpcm_ima_apc cavs gdv mp3adu pcm_u24be adpcm_ima_dat4 ccaption gif mp3adufloat pcm_u24le adpcm_ima_dk3 cdgraphics gremlin_dpcm mp3float pcm_u32be adpcm_ima_dk4 cdxl gsm mp3on4 pcm_u32le adpcm_ima_ea_eacs cfhd gsm_ms mp3on4float pcm_u8 adpcm_ima_ea_sead cinepak h261 mpc7 pcm_vidc adpcm_ima_iss clearvideo h263 mpc8 pcm_zork adpcm_ima_oki cljr h263_v4l2m2m mpeg1_v4l2m2m pcx adpcm_ima_qt cllc h263i mpeg1video pgm adpcm_ima_rad comfortnoise h263p mpeg2_v4l2m2m pgmyuv adpcm_ima_smjpeg cook h264 mpeg2video pgssub adpcm_ima_wav cpia h264_v4l2m2m mpeg4 pictor adpcm_ima_ws cscd hap mpeg4_v4l2m2m pixlet adpcm_ms cyuv hevc mpegvideo pjs adpcm_mtaf dca hnm4_video mpl2 png adpcm_psx dds hq_hqa msa1 ppm adpcm_sbpro_2 dfa hqx mscc prores adpcm_sbpro_3 dirac huffyuv msmpeg4v1 prosumer adpcm_sbpro_4 dnxhd iac msmpeg4v2 psd adpcm_swf dolby_e idcin msmpeg4v3 ptx adpcm_thp dpx idf msrle qcelp adpcm_thp_le dsd_lsbf iff_ilbm mss1 qdm2 adpcm_vima dsd_lsbf_planar ilbc mss2 qdmc adpcm_xa dsd_msbf imc msvideo1 qdraw adpcm_yamaha dsd_msbf_planar imm4 mszh qpeg aic dsicinaudio indeo2 mts2 qtrle alac dsicinvideo indeo3 mvc1 r10k alias_pix dss_sp indeo4 mvc2 r210 als dst indeo5 mwsc ra_144 amrnb dvaudio interplay_acm mxpeg ra_288 amrwb dvbsub interplay_dpcm nellymoser ralf amv dvdsub interplay_video nuv rasc anm dvvideo jacosub on2avc rawvideo ansi dxa jpeg2000 opus realtext ape dxtory jpegls paf_audio rl2 apng dxv jv paf_video roq aptx eac3 kgv1 pam roq_dpcm aptx_hd eacmv kmvc pbm rpza ass eamad lagarith pcm_alaw rscc asv1 eatgq libopencore_amrnb pcm_bluray rv10 asv2 eatgv libopencore_amrwb pcm_dvd rv20 atrac1 eatqi libopus pcm_f16le rv30 atrac3 eightbps libspeex pcm_f24le rv40 atrac3al eightsvx_exp libvorbis pcm_f32be s302m sami stl tscc2 vp6 wnv1 sanm subrip tta vp6a wrapped_avframe sbc subviewer twinvq vp6f ws_snd1 scpr subviewer1 txd vp7 xan_dpcm screenpresso sunrast ulti vp8 xan_wc3 sdx2_dpcm svq1 utvideo vp8_v4l2m2m xan_wc4 sgi svq3 v210 vp9 xbin sgirle tak v210x vp9_v4l2m2m xbm sheervideo targa v308 vplayer xface shorten targa_y216 v408 vqa xl sipr tdsc v410 wavpack xma1 smackaud text vb wcmv xma2 smacker theora vble webp xpm smc thp vc1 webvtt xsub smvjpeg tiertexseqvideo vc1_v4l2m2m wmalossless xwd snow tiff vc1image wmapro y41p sol_dpcm tmv vcr1 wmav1 ylc sonic truehd vmdaudio wmav2 yop sp5x truemotion1 vmdvideo wmavoice yuv4 speedhq truemotion2 vmnc wmv1 zero12v srgc truemotion2rt vorbis wmv2 zerocodec srt truespeech vp3 wmv3 zlib ssa tscc vp5 wmv3image zmbvEnabled encoders:
a64multi dvvideo libx265 pcm_s32le sonic a64multi5 eac3 libxvid pcm_s32le_planar sonic_ls aac ffv1 ljpeg pcm_s64be srt ac3 ffvhuff magicyuv pcm_s64le ssa ac3_fixed fits mjpeg pcm_s8 subrip adpcm_adx flac mlp pcm_s8_planar sunrast adpcm_g722 flashsv movtext pcm_u16be svq1 adpcm_g726 flashsv2 mp2 pcm_u16le targa adpcm_g726le flv mp2fixed pcm_u24be text adpcm_ima_qt g723_1 mpeg1video pcm_u24le tiff adpcm_ima_wav gif mpeg2video pcm_u32be truehd adpcm_ms h261 mpeg4 pcm_u32le tta adpcm_swf h263 mpeg4_v4l2m2m pcm_u8 utvideo adpcm_yamaha h263_v4l2m2m msmpeg4v2 pcm_vidc v210 alac h263p msmpeg4v3 pcx v308 alias_pix h264_v4l2m2m msvideo1 pgm v408 amv hap nellymoser pgmyuv v410 apng huffyuv opus png vc2 aptx jpeg2000 pam ppm vorbis aptx_hd jpegls pbm prores vp8_v4l2m2m ass libmp3lame pcm_alaw prores_aw wavpack asv1 libopencore_amrnb pcm_f32be prores_ks webvtt asv2 libopenjpeg pcm_f32le qtrle wmav1 avrp libopus pcm_f64be r10k wmav2 avui libspeex pcm_f64le r210 wmv1 ayuv libtheora pcm_mulaw ra_144 wmv2 bmp libvo_amrwbenc pcm_s16be rawvideo wrapped_avframe cinepak libvorbis pcm_s16be_planar roq xbm cljr libvpx_vp8 pcm_s16le roq_dpcm xface comfortnoise libvpx_vp9 pcm_s16le_planar rv10 xsub dca libwavpack pcm_s24be rv20 xwd dnxhd libwebp pcm_s24daud s302m y41p dpx libwebp_anim pcm_s24le sbc yuv4 dvbsub libx264 pcm_s24le_planar sgi zlib dvdsub libx264rgb pcm_s32be snow zmbvEnabled hwaccels:
n/aEnabled parsers:Enabled parsers
aac dca g729 mpegaudio sipr aac_latm dirac gsm mpegvideo tak ac3 dnxhd h261 opus vc1 adx dpx h263 png vorbis av1 dvaudio h264 pnm vp3 avs2 dvbsub hevc rv30 vp8 bmp dvd_nav mjpeg rv40 vp9 cavsvideo dvdsub mlp sbc xma cook flac mpeg4video Enabled demuxers:Enabled demuxers:
aa dsicin image_pictor_pipe nistsphere shorten aac dss image_png_pipe nsp siff ac3 dts image_ppm_pipe nsv sln acm dtshd image_psd_pipe nut smacker act dv image_qdraw_pipe nuv smjpeg adf dvbsub image_sgi_pipe ogg smush adp dvbtxt image_sunrast_pipe oma sol ads dxa image_svg_pipe paf sox adx ea image_tiff_pipe pcm_alaw spdif aea ea_cdata image_webp_pipe pcm_f32be srt afc eac3 image_xpm_pipe pcm_f32le stl aiff epaf image_xwd_pipe pcm_f64be str aix ffmetadata ingenient pcm_f64le subviewer amr filmstrip ipmovie pcm_mulaw subviewer1 amrnb fits ircam pcm_s16be sup amrwb flac iss pcm_s16le svag anm flic iv8 pcm_s24be swf apc flv ivf pcm_s24le tak ape fourxm ivr pcm_s32be tedcaptions apng frm jacosub pcm_s32le thp aptx fsb jv pcm_s8 threedostr aptx_hd g722 live_flv pcm_u16be tiertexseq aqtitle g723_1 lmlm4 pcm_u16le tmv asf g726 loas pcm_u24be truehd asf_o g726le lrc pcm_u24le tta ass g729 lvf pcm_u32be tty ast gdv lxf pcm_u32le txd au genh m4v pcm_u8 ty avi gif matroska pcm_vidc v210 avisynth gsm mgsts pjs v210x avr gxf microdvd pmp vag avs h261 mjpeg pva vc1 avs2 h263 mjpeg_2000 pvf vc1t bethsoftvid h264 mlp qcp vivo bfi hevc mlv r3d vmd bfstm hls mm rawvideo vobsub bink hnm mmf realtext voc bintext ico mov redspark vpk bit idcin mp3 rl2 vplayer bmv idf mpc rm vqf boa iff mpc8 roq w64 brstm ilbc mpegps rpl wav c93 image2 mpegts rsd wc3 caf image2_alias_pix mpegtsraw rso webm_dash_manifest cavsvideo image2_brender_pix mpegvideo rtp webvtt cdg image2pipe mpjpeg rtsp wsaud cdxl image_bmp_pipe mpl2 s337m wsd cine image_dds_pipe mpsub sami wsvqa codec2 image_dpx_pipe msf sap wtv codec2raw image_exr_pipe msnwc_tcp sbc wv concat image_j2k_pipe mtaf sbg wve data image_jpeg_pipe mtv scc xa daud image_jpegls_pipe musx sdp xbin dcstr image_pam_pipe mv sdr2 xmv dfa image_pbm_pipe mvi sds xvag dirac image_pcx_pipe mxf sdx xwma dnxhd image_pgm_pipe mxg segafilm yop dsf image_pgmyuv_pipe nc ser yuv4mpegpipeEnabled muxers:
a64 fifo lrc opus scc ac3 fifo_test m4v pcm_alaw segafilm adts filmstrip matroska pcm_f32be segment adx fits matroska_audio pcm_f32le singlejpeg aiff flac md5 pcm_f64be smjpeg amr flv microdvd pcm_f64le smoothstreaming apng framecrc mjpeg pcm_mulaw sox aptx framehash mkvtimestamp_v2 pcm_s16be spdif aptx_hd framemd5 mlp pcm_s16le spx asf g722 mmf pcm_s24be srt asf_stream g723_1 mov pcm_s24le stream_segment ass g726 mp2 pcm_s32be sup ast g726le mp3 pcm_s32le swf au gif mp4 pcm_s8 tee avi gsm mpeg1system pcm_u16be tg2 avm2 gxf mpeg1vcd pcm_u16le tgp avs2 h261 mpeg1video pcm_u24be truehd bit h263 mpeg2dvd pcm_u24le tta caf h264 mpeg2svcd pcm_u32be uncodedframecrc cavsvideo hash mpeg2video pcm_u32le vc1 codec2 hds mpeg2vob pcm_u8 vc1t codec2raw hevc mpegts pcm_vidc voc crc hls mpjpeg psp w64 dash ico mxf rawvideo wav data ilbc mxf_d10 rm webm daud image2 mxf_opatom roq webm_chunk dirac image2pipe null rso webm_dash_manifest dnxhd ipod nut rtp webp dts ircam oga rtp_mpegts webvtt dv ismv ogg rtsp wtv eac3 ivf ogv sap wv f4v jacosub oma sbc yuv4mpegpipe ffmetadata latmEnabled protocols:
async file icecast rtmp tcp cache ftp md5 rtmpt tee concat gopher mmsh rtp udp crypto hls mmst sctp udplite data http pipe srtp unix ffrtmphttp httpproxy prompeg subfileEnabled filters:
abench astats doubleweave interlace readvitc abitscope astreamselect drawbox interleave realtime acompressor atadenoise drawgraph join remap acontrast atempo drawgrid kerndeint removegrain acopy atrim drawtext lenscorrection removelogo acrossfade avectorscope drmeter life repeatfields acrossover avgblur dynaudnorm limiter replaygain acrusher bandpass earwax loop resample acue bandreject ebur128 loudnorm reverse adeclick bass edgedetect lowpass rgbashift adeclip bbox elbg lowshelf rgbtestsrc adelay bench entropy lumakey roberts aderivative biquad eq lut rotate adrawgraph bitplanenoise equalizer lut1d sab aecho blackdetect erosion lut2 scale aemphasis blackframe extractplanes lut3d scale2ref aeval blend extrastereo lutrgb select aevalsrc bm3d fade lutyuv selectivecolor afade boxblur fftdnoiz mandelbrot sendcmd afftdn bwdif fftfilt maskedclamp separatefields afftfilt cellauto field maskedmerge setdar afifo channelmap fieldhint mcdeint setfield afir channelsplit fieldmatch mcompand setparams aformat chorus fieldorder mergeplanes setpts agate chromahold fifo mestimate setrange agraphmonitor chromakey fillborders metadata setsar ahistogram chromashift find_rect midequalizer settb aiir ciescope firequalizer minterpolate showcqt aintegral codecview flanger mix showfreqs ainterleave color floodfill movie showinfo alimiter colorbalance format mpdecimate showpalette allpass colorchannelmixer fps mptestsrc showspectrum allrgb colorkey framepack negate showspectrumpic allyuv colorlevels framerate nlmeans showvolume aloop colormatrix framestep nnedi showwaves alphaextract colorspace freezedetect noformat showwavespic alphamerge compand frei0r noise shuffleframes amerge compensationdelay frei0r_src normalize shuffleplanes ametadata concat fspp null sidechaincompress amix convolution gblur nullsink sidechaingate amovie convolve geq nullsrc sidedata amplify copy gradfun ocr signalstats amultiply cover_rect graphmonitor oscilloscope signature anequalizer crop greyedge overlay silencedetect anoisesrc cropdetect haas owdenoise silenceremove anull crossfeed haldclut pad sinc anullsink crystalizer haldclutsrc pal100bars sine anullsrc cue hdcd pal75bars smartblur apad curves headphone palettegen smptebars aperms datascope hflip paletteuse smptehdbars aphasemeter dcshift highpass pan sobel aphaser dctdnoiz highshelf perms spectrumsynth apulsator deband hilbert perspective split arealtime deblock histeq phase spp aresample decimate histogram pixdesctest sr areverse deconvolve hqdn3d pixscope ssim aselect dedot hqx pp stereo3d asendcmd deflate hstack pp7 stereotools asetnsamples deflicker hue premultiply stereowiden asetpts dejudder hwdownload prewitt streamselect asetrate delogo hwmap pseudocolor subtitles asettb deshake hwupload psnr super2xsai ashowinfo despill hysteresis pullup superequalizer asidedata detelecine idet qp surround asplit dilation il random swaprect ass displace inflate readeia608 swapuv tblend tlut2 unpremultiply vibrato weave telecine tmix unsharp vignette xbr testsrc tonemap uspp vmafmotion xstack testsrc2 tpad vaguedenoiser volume yadif threshold transpose vectorscope volumedetect yuvtestsrc thumbnail treble vflip vstack zoompan tile tremolo vfrdet w3fdif zscale tinterlace trim vibrance waveform Enabled bsfs: aac_adtstoasc filter_units hevc_mp4toannexb mpeg2_metadata text2movsub av1_metadata h264_metadata imx_dump_header mpeg4_unpack_bframes trace_headers chomp h264_mp4toannexb mjpeg2jpeg noise vp9_metadata dca_core h264_redundant_pps mjpega_dump_header null vp9_raw_reorder dump_extradata hapqa_extract mov2textsub prores_metadata vp9_superframe eac3_core hevc_metadata mp3_header_decompress remove_extradata vp9_superframe_split extract_extradata Enabled indevs: alsa lavfi oss sndio xcbgrab fbdev libdc1394 pulse v4l2 Enabled outdevs: alsa opengl pulse sndio xv fbdev oss sdl2 v4l2 License: GPL version 3 or later WARNING: Building with deprecated library libavresample ------------------- video info -------------------------------------- ffmpeg -f v4l2 -list_formats all -i /dev/video0 [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x5560e3816900] Raw : yuyv422 : YUYV 4:2:2 : 640x480 1280x720 960x544 800x448 640x360 424x240 352x288 320x240 800x600 176x144 160x120 1280x800 [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x5560e3816900] Compressed: mjpeg : Motion-JPEG : 640x480 1280x720 960x544 800x448 640x360 800x600 416x240 352x288 176x144 320x240 160x120 xrandr --listproviders Providers: number : 1 Provider 0: id: 0x53 cap: 0x9, Source Output, Sink Offload crtcs: 2 outputs: 2 associated providers: 0 name:SUMO2 @ pci:0000:00:01.0 -- dmesg |grep -i agp [ 1.365643] Linux agpgart interface v0.103 -- sudo lshw -C video *-display description: VGA compatible controller product: Sumo [Radeon HD 6410D] vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] physical id: 1 bus info: pci@0000:00:01.0 version: 00 width: 32 bits clock: 33MHz capabilities: pm pciexpress msi vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom configuration: driver=radeon latency=0 resources: irq:27 memory:c0000000-cfffffff ioport:f000(size=256) memory:fef00000-fef3ffff memory:c0000-dffff -- grep -i chipset /var/log/Xorg.0.log [ 59.796] (II) RADEON: Driver for ATI/AMD Radeon chipsets: [ 59.798] (II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa [ 59.833] (--) RADEON(0): Chipset: "SUMO2" (ChipID = 0x9644) -- jack@jack-desktop:~/Desktop/video-resources/junk/NEW-VIDS/FFMPEG$ sudo lspci -v 00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h Processor Root Complex Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h Processor Root Complex Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 0 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Sumo [Radeon HD 6410D] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Sumo [Radeon HD 6410D] Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 27 Memory at c0000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M] I/O ports at f000 [size=256] Memory at fef00000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256K] [virtual] Expansion ROM at 000c0000 [disabled] [size=128K] Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 3 Capabilities: [58] Express Root Complex Integrated Endpoint, MSI 00 Capabilities: [a0] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+ Capabilities: [100] Vendor Specific Information: ID=0001 Rev=1 Len=010 > Kernel driver in use: radeon Kernel modules: radeon 00:11.0 SATA controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH SATA Controller [IDE mode] (rev 40) (prog-if 01 [AHCI 1.0]) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH SATA Controller [IDE mode] Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 19 I/O ports at f190 [size=8] I/O ports at f180 [size=4] I/O ports at f170 [size=8] I/O ports at f160 [size=4] I/O ports at f150 [size=16] Memory at fef4b000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=2K] Capabilities: [70] SATA HBA v1.0 Kernel driver in use: ahci Kernel modules: ahci 00:12.0 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB OHCI Controller (rev 11) (prog-if 10 [OHCI]) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB OHCI Controller Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 18 Memory at fef4a000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K] Kernel driver in use: ohci-pci 00:12.2 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB EHCI Controller (rev 11) (prog-if 20 [EHCI]) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB EHCI Controller Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 17 Memory at fef49000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256] Capabilities: [c0] Power Management version 2 Capabilities: [e4] Debug port: BAR=1 offset=00e0 Kernel driver in use: ehci-pci 00:13.0 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB OHCI Controller (rev 11) (prog-if 10 [OHCI]) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB OHCI Controller Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 18 Memory at fef48000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K] Kernel driver in use: ohci-pci 00:13.2 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB EHCI Controller (rev 11) (prog-if 20 [EHCI]) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB EHCI Controller Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 17 Memory at fef47000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256] Capabilities: [c0] Power Management version 2 Capabilities: [e4] Debug port: BAR=1 offset=00e0 Kernel driver in use: ehci-pci 00:14.0 SMBus: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH SMBus Controller (rev 13) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH SMBus Controller Flags: 66MHz, medium devsel Kernel driver in use: piix4_smbus Kernel modules: i2c_piix4, sp5100_tco 00:14.1 IDE interface: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH IDE Controller (prog-if 8a [Master SecP PriP]) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH IDE Controller Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 17 I/O ports at 01f0 [size=8] I/O ports at 03f4 I/O ports at 0170 [size=8] I/O ports at 0374 I/O ports at f100 [size=16] Kernel driver in use: pata_atiixp Kernel modules: pata_atiixp, pata_acpi 00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH Azalia Controller (rev 01) Subsystem: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. FCH Azalia Controller Flags: bus master, slow devsel, latency 32, IRQ 16 Memory at fef40000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K] Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2 Kernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel Kernel modules: snd_hda_intel 00:14.3 ISA bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH LPC Bridge (rev 11) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH LPC Bridge Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 0 00:14.4 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH PCI Bridge (rev 40) (prog-if 01 [Subtractive decode]) Flags: bus master, VGA palette snoop, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 64 Bus: primary=00, secondary=01, subordinate=01, sec-latency=64 00:14.5 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB OHCI Controller (rev 11) (prog-if 10 [OHCI]) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB OHCI Controller Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 18 Memory at fef46000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K] Kernel driver in use: ohci-pci 00:15.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Hudson PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 0) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode]) Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 24 Bus: primary=00, secondary=02, subordinate=02, sec-latency=0 Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 3 Capabilities: [58] Express Root Port (Slot-), MSI 00 Capabilities: [a0] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+ Capabilities: [b0] Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Hudson PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 0) Capabilities: [b8] HyperTransport: MSI Mapping Enable+ Fixed+ Capabilities: [100] Vendor Specific Information: ID=0001 Rev=1 Len=010 > Kernel driver in use: pcieport Kernel modules: shpchp 00:15.1 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Hudson PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 1) (prog-if 00 [Normal decode]) Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 25 Bus: primary=00, secondary=03, subordinate=03, sec-latency=0 I/O behind bridge: 0000e000-0000efff Prefetchable memory behind bridge: 00000000d0000000-00000000d00fffff Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 3 Capabilities: [58] Express Root Port (Slot-), MSI 00 Capabilities: [a0] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+ Capabilities: [b0] Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Hudson PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 1) Capabilities: [b8] HyperTransport: MSI Mapping Enable+ Fixed+ Capabilities: [100] Vendor Specific Information: ID=0001 Rev=1 Len=010 > Kernel driver in use: pcieport Kernel modules: shpchp 00:16.0 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB OHCI Controller (rev 11) (prog-if 10 [OHCI]) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB OHCI Controller Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 18 Memory at fef45000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K] Kernel driver in use: ohci-pci 00:16.2 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB EHCI Controller (rev 11) (prog-if 20 [EHCI]) Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB EHCI Controller Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 17 Memory at fef44000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256] Capabilities: [c0] Power Management version 2 Capabilities: [e4] Debug port: BAR=1 offset=00e0 Kernel driver in use: ehci-pci 00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Function 0 (rev 43) Flags: fast devsel 00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Function 1 Flags: fast devsel 00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Function 2 Flags: fast devsel 00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Function 3 Flags: fast devsel Capabilities: [f0] Secure device > Kernel driver in use: k10temp Kernel modules: k10temp 00:18.4 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Function 4 Flags: fast devsel 00:18.5 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Function 6 Flags: fast devsel 00:18.6 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Function 5 Flags: fast devsel 00:18.7 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Function 7 Flags: fast devsel 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 05) Subsystem: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL810xE PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 17 I/O ports at e000 [size=256] Memory at d0004000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=4K] Memory at d0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=16K] Capabilities: [40] Power Management version 3 Capabilities: [50] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+ Capabilities: [70] Express Endpoint, MSI 01 Capabilities: [b0] MSI-X: Enable+ Count=4 Masked- Capabilities: [d0] Vital Product Data Capabilities: [100] Advanced Error Reporting Capabilities: [140] Virtual Channel Capabilities: [160] Device Serial Number f9-07-00-00-36-4c-e0-00 Kernel driver in use: r8169 Kernel modules: r8169 -- ----- cam setings --- v4l2-ctl -L brightness 0x00980900 (int) : min=30 max=255 step=1 default=133 value=133 contrast 0x00980901 (int) : min=0 max=10 step=1 default=5 value=5 saturation 0x00980902 (int) : min=0 max=200 step=1 default=83 value=83 white_balance_temperature_auto 0x0098090c (bool) : default=1 value=1 power_line_frequency 0x00980918 (menu) : min=0 max=2 default=2 value=2 0: Disabled 1: 50 Hz 2: 60 Hz white_balance_temperature 0x0098091a (int) : min=2800 max=10000 step=1 default=4500 value=4500 flags=inactive sharpness 0x0098091b (int) : min=0 max=50 step=1 default=25 value=25 backlight_compensation 0x0098091c (int) : min=0 max=10 step=1 default=0 value=0 exposure_auto 0x009a0901 (menu) : min=0 max=3 default=1 value=3 1: Manual Mode 3: Aperture Priority Mode exposure_absolute 0x009a0902 (int) : min=5 max=20000 step=1 default=156 value=156 flags=inactive pan_absolute 0x009a0908 (int) : min=-201600 max=201600 step=3600 default=0 value=0 tilt_absolute 0x009a0909 (int) : min=-201600 max=201600 step=3600 default=0 value=0 focus_absolute 0x009a090a (int) : min=0 max=40 step=1 default=0 value=3 flags=inactive focus_auto 0x009a090c (bool) : default=0 value=1 zoom_absolute 0x009a090d (int) : min=0 max=10 step=1 default=0 value=0 Adjust values with: v4l2-ctl -c