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#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("notes.db") conn.text_factory = str c = conn.cursor() if len(sys.argv) < 3: print ("\n******* NOTE - Notes Editor **************") print ("Not enough options were passed.") print ("NOTE requires 2 arguments. the first -H , -R , -I , -D or -S .\nThe second can be a period.") print ("If printing the database -T also add a filename of your choice ( no quotes required ):") print (" Example: NOTE -T Data2Text.txt") print ("If wanting to read all entries use -R . (use the period)") print ("even use the period with help. -H . must be entered.") print ("******************************************\n") sys.exit() mod = sys.argv[1] def create(): import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("notes.db") conn.text_factory = str c = conn.cursor() c.execute("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE PROJECT using FTS4 (input)") conn.commit() text = "Database Created" return text def insert(data,conn=conn, c=c): c.execute("INSERT into PROJECT values (?)", (data,)) for row in c.execute("SELECT ROWID,* FROM PROJECT ORDER BY ROWID DESC LIMIT 1"): print ("\nPOST VERIFIED:\n",row[0],row[1]) conn.commit() conn.close() return data def search(data,conn=conn, c=c): #for row in c.execute("SELECT ROWID,* FROM PROJECT WHERE input MATCH ?",(data,)): # print ("\nINFO Found Here:",row[0],row[1]) for row in c.execute("SELECT ROWID,* FROM PROJECT"): if data in row[1]: print ("\nINFO Found Here:\n",row[0],row[1]) #conn.commit() #conn.close() def delete(rowid,conn=conn, c=c): c.execute("DELETE FROM PROJECT WHERE rowid = ?", (rowid,)) conn.commit() conn.close() text = "ROWID "+rowid+" Deleted" return text def main(): conn = sqlite3.connect("notes.db") conn.text_factory = str c = conn.cursor() for row in c.execute("SELECT rowid, * FROM PROJECT"): print (row[0],": ",row[1]) def prtmain(filename): fn = open(filename, "w") conn = sqlite3.connect("/home/jake/Desktop/notes.db") conn.text_factory = str c = conn.cursor() for row in c.execute("SELECT rowid, * FROM PROJECT"): TEXT = "id:"+str(row[0])+"\n"+str(row[1]) TEXT = str(TEXT) TEXT = TEXT.replace('\\n','\n') TEXT = "".join(TEXT) fn.write(TEXT+'\n----\n') def HELP(): TXT = """ USE: NOTE argv[1] argv[2] argv[1] sets the mod: -I insert / -D delete / -R read / -H help examples: Notice the entry is in parenthese. -I to insert "STUFF to be inserted" NOTE -I "STUFF to be inserted" -D to delete where rowid is 3 NOTE -D 3 Notice the period after -R . -R . read all To search for the term "current project" NOTE -S 3 -S "current project" NOTE -R . -H help on options NOTE -H . """ print (TXT) if mod == "-H" or mod == "h": HELP() if mod == "-R" or mod == "-r": main() if mod == "-I" or mod == "-i": data = sys.argv[2] insert(data) if mod == "-D" or mod == "-d": rowid = sys.argv[2] delete(rowid) if mod == "-S" or mod == "-s": data = sys.argv[2] search(data) if mod == "-T": filename = sys.argv[2] prtmain(filename) if mod == "-C" or mod == "-c": create() print (create) else: print ("_________________\n") print (sys.argv[2],"Command Completed")